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Mirabel and Sofia were afternoon sleepers in the summer. They often rose around whatever time they felt like it. Often for them, life was their own bubble. They had each other, their little home and their own little life. They both adored it as much as one could.

Sofia grew up not knowing anything other than just her Mamá. As far she knew, she didn't have an Abuela or and tíos or primos. It had always just been Sofia and Mamá vs the world. She never minded. Mirabel was devotedly hers. Besides, having siblings meant fighting over attention and time. Her Mamá always made time for her. She liked it that way.

But other days she admitted to herself it sometimes felt a little lonesome. Mirabel never discussed who Sofia's father was, and it made the little girl a little envious of other children who had fathers. Having mama was great, but having a papa too would simply be wonderful.

That's what Sofia liked to dream of most; a family. She always asked her mama what her family was like. Mirabel told her a watered down truth. She had a big family, but something in her heart told her she needed to do some growing up without them. That didn't make sense to Sofia. How could you leave such a good family?

Sofia was stirred awake by her mama.

"Mi mariposita, time to wake up my love," Mirabel says in a very quiet voice. Sofia whines a little, but opens her eyes. Her mother smiles warmly at her.

"We have to get going. Today we're getting up with the sun," she whispers. She hands Sofia her clothes and gently tucked her loose strands behind her ears.

"Mamá it's so early.." Sofia whines. Mirabel just shushes her and smiles.

"I know, but if we want to get going on our adventure we have to start exploring really early. Get dressed, okay? Then I'll do your hair."

Mirabel organizes the bed as Sofia quietly changes. Andres sleeps soundly across the room on a mat. They're both careful not to make too much noise.

Mirabel takes her time braiding her daughters hair. She smiles at her little curls. She's a spitting image of mirabel's own mamá. The thought makes her stomach churn a little. The thought of her family at all makes her feel sick. But she knows the time has come that she now has to open to her daughter. She has to prepare her as much as possible, but she knows she won't nearly understand the turmoil left from ten years ago.

"Are we waking Andres up Mamá?" Sofia whispers. She puts on her bag and her hat. Mirabel's shakes her head and kisses her cheek.

"No mamita. He's going to be very busy. He has to sleep," Mirabel tells her, "he knows about our adventure though, so no need to worry."

She sends Sofia outside while she finishes collecting their belongings. She holds a whit envelope in her hand. She sits on the bed and looks guiltily at the man who had continued being by her side since she arrived in a state of hurting and sorrow. He hadn't begged for information from her and even though she knew he yearned to know her in a closer way, he didn't ask.

She felt apologetic leaving him on a such a bad note, but Mirabel didn't think she'd have the heart to reveal her secrets face to face. She wasn't even ready to reveal them to her daughter. She just hoped he'd understand like always did.

Mirabel leaves the sealed letter on the bed. She digs into her skirt pocket and pulls out a little handkerchief. The sides are embroidered with small butterflies. She folds it neatly and sets it beside the paper.

"I'm sorry," she sighs. But she clutched the strap of her side bag and walks out of the stranger's home.

She meets up with her daughter and takes her hand. They begin walking down the sleepy town.

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