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We stood in front of the door and Vincenzio knocked.

"Does he live alone?" I asked as my eyes keep wandering around the house. This house was spectacularly huge and there was nothing much to see. It was like a regular house, big house, bushes around the house and some flowers and plants which was not much.

"Yes, before and after she left, he likes to keep his privacy private." I nodded, looked like Vincenzio knew more than me.

A second later, the door pulled open and Marsello stood there. He looked old but still fit with some natural grey hairs. I expected to see him in a wheelchair, I guess at that time he was just after getting out of the hospital.

"Child, I'm so glad you come." Marsello happily greeted us while his eyes only focused on me. I could see the longing in his eyes and how much this meant to him. I just hope that I didn't make the wrong decision for meeting and getting to know him.

"Thank you for agreeing to see me on short notice." He waved his hand in the air as to silent me.

"Don't thank me, I should be the one thanking you for meeting me today. I will always be available for you whenever you wish," he replied. "Come on in."

"I'll get you later, just call." As I just took a step in, Vincenzio spoke. I turned my head around and looked at him in confusion. He was not coming in, so this was the reason why he got me a phone before coming here.

"I'll be on my way now, Mr. Blakemore." He excused himself and nod at me like he was trying to say something to me. Something like enjoying my time with Marsello and not being worried.

So, I nodded at him and smile gratefully.

"Drive safely," Marsello bid farewell then closed the door behind.

"Come in, child. Have a seat wherever you're comfortable." He ushered me to the living room. "Your daughter is really calm. She doesn't get scared so easily, is she?" His eyes dawned on Fiorelli examining her.

"As long as I assure her, she's a very good kid." I praised my daughter because I am a proud mother of hers. Any mother would want to be her mother I bet.

"She definitely inherited her father's features," Marsello commented. He was also mesmerized by Fiorelli.

"She does," I agreed.

"What would you like to drink? Juices? Milk?" Marsello offered as we settled down in the living room. A maid came in right after and waited for her order.

"Do you want orange juice, my sweet?" I looked down to ask Fiorelli.

"Yes, pies." She nodded.

"Orange juice would do for her." I looked at the woman and nodded so she could be out of our sight already. It felt weird if she continued to stand there while we had a conversation. I knew the feeling.

"You shoo her away," Marsello stated. He was watching me closely, was this how he wanted to know me by observing me?

"She will feel awkward by standing there like a statue waiting for orders," I told him and he nodded but then keep quiet.

"How did you know?"

"I am one, Mr. Blakemore." He sighed and closed his eyes tight briefly.

"Anything but Mr. Blakemore." His voice came up as a painful one, I guess he didn't like being formal with me. "Am? You're still working for him?"

"Yes, you didn't hear me back in the hospital?" I asked back.

"I did but I thought you stopped, James was not a guy like that."

"Like what, Marsello?" This time he smile even though it looked sad. "Sure, I was his wife and that was it. Are we going to talk about James all day?"

"No, of course not. I want to get to know you, my child. You see, my life is short and numbered, so before I go, I want to get to know you and spend some time with you guys. There was no day where I didn't look for you. I would have scolded her if she was still alive for leaving me all alone. If she wanted to bolt out, I would have come with her."

"You would leave this life behind?" I asked a little bit surprised.

"Of course, if she told me beforehand," he replied.

The maid came back with a baby bottle filled with orange juice. She politely placed the bottle down and a glass for me as well.

"Thank you." I smiled at her.

"Are you that sick?" I turned my attention back to my father, Marsello. I couldn't say it out loud yet, it felt weird to call someone my father, like my own.

"I'm holding on but I can go in peace now I've met you. That's all I've ever wanted in my grey's world." The sincerity in his voice and eyes scared me to death. I had never met someone being so sure of death in my life, leaving everyone behind.

"You have Suzy," I pointed out the least he had someone in his life.

"She may be my daughter but she's like the maid you saw earlier. She doesn't mean much to me and does me to her. She just wants the life and nothing else matter." He became silent after that. I was not sure either of what to talk about.

"Can I hold her?" My eyes shifted to Fiorelli who was enjoying her orange juice in a bottle. He paid attention to Fiorelli even before we came. She could drink straight from glass but it would be messy if I didn't watch her, so a bottle was considered and he did it for his granddaughter.

Without replying to him, I brought Fiorelli to him. I sat next to him and carefully put her on his lap.

"Her name is Fiorelli Leone Jamee Nicoli, one and six months old," I told him.

"I'm holding my granddaughter," he spoke and his voice shook lightly, even his hand trembled to hold her. I knew right away it was happiness.

I pitied him. He had the world under his control but all he ever wanted was his wife and daughter. He got respect from all of the men but he longed for affection from the people he loved. His life was emptier than the people glamorized him to be.

"Can I tell you one wish?" I suddenly spoke and he lifted his eyes to me. He nodded as in telling me to go ahead and continue.

"I wish to visit mother's grave."

"Of course, let's go see your mother." Marsello agreed, I knew he would know about my mother's grave. Even though I knew she was dead but the people I asked didn't know where she was buried.

"Even though your mother didn't raise you, you grew up to be an amazing woman and mother. I'm proud of you, Jamee." He touched my face lightly like he was afraid to hurt me and I would leave him all alone again.

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