Chapter 2

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I cried for too long because of the love I lost and most importantly the time I wasted. This weekend I decided to go to a song n bar and drown my feelings while laughing at some drunk people with horrible voices.

I wore tight black jeans and a blue T-shirt paired with a denim jacket. As I reached the door, I put on my black and white converse and grabbed my wallet before I locked my door. I walked there because it was close to my apartment. 

When I entered the bar called 'drunk in songs', I headed towards the bar and ordered a tequila shot , a lime and a tall glass of white wine. I downed the shot and sucked on the lime quickly and man did I love the sting of the shot and sourness of the lime.

Halfway through my wine a guy pulled up the seat next to me and sat down. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked me. Why does his deep voice make me feel aroused? Is this how single people feel when they're approached by a hot guy?

I gave him a side glance before I took a sip of my wine before replying, "Fuck off," I told him.

Instead of him leaving, he full on laughed and threw his head back. I looked at him shocked at his reaction. He stood up and made his way to the stage and that's when I tuned him out.

I thought about Liam's cheating ass and how I wanted to marry him. I dodged a bullet there. I was pulled out of my thoughts when another glass of wine was placed in front of me and the bartender pointed at the guy on stage. I looked at him and his eyes met my eyes and he smiled at me.

That's when I realised he was singing........ to me. He has such an amazing voice that people in the bar quietened as he sang, his southern accent more pronounced when singing than it is when he was talking. He sang This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory.

Are you lonely? Passion is crashing as we speak.

You seem so lonely

You are the ground my feet won't reach.....

So if you're lonely

Darling you're glowing..

If you're lonely

Come be lonely with me."

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