August 27 2021

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August 27 2021

Prompt: A child has been gifted the power to have what they write become reality. Fortunately, the child isn't very writing-inclined so it's never known. That is until a bad event occurs, and they start writing horror stories to cope with the event. Which become reality for the people surrounding them

  "KILL IT WE HAVE TO GET OUT!" guards deviated from a room with a thick glass window and cement walls. Inside the room sat a small girl, she had no name, they called her 1. She smiled deviously watching the building go up in flames. In front of her was a piece of paper with a script that the girl had made. The fire picked up great momentum , quickly tearing through the sedentary building. 

Once all the guards had left the girl realized the damage she had done. She got up strenuously and began running to get out, when she realized the door was locked she got out her paper and wrote the door to be unlocked.

 The door opened and she started running but was trapped in flames. The girl spun around looking for any available exit to escape her impending doom. She dropped her paper into the fire and it burned. The girl realized there was nothing she could do so she sat down. She listened to the sirens of the fire trucks outside knowing she had written no escape to the fiery blaze. She could feel the heat of the fire to the point where it was nearly unbearable. The girl realized how lethargic she was and accepted her doom. 

The smoke set into her lungs, the fire could never be put out, millions would die and it was her fault. She is the girl who set the world on fire. Soon everyone was dead including her; there was nothing left in the world but dust and ash. Possibly if the girl had wished for something better the world would have no more problems. Was it the government who locked her up? What would happen if they didn't.

 Just then a new figure rose from the ash taking form...

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