September 27, 2021

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One night, you wake up & read your texts. One is in red, reading "Whatever you do, do NOT look at the moon." The rest are from various people, telling you how beautiful the night is. When you look out your window, there is a hologram in place of the moon, which reads "Error 404: Not found." Italicize (5) subject, object, and reflexive pronouns, and at least 500 words. Please state word count at top of Google Document. MINOR ESSAY (F)

NIGHT 1, 21:12 PM

You turned over peeling away from your movie to grab your phone which is charging on the wall. You suspect the alarm that just disturbed you was an amber alert or a flash flood alert. What you saw confused you much more than any other alert. On your phone, there was a single message in red that read "Don't look at the moon". You turned over to look at the moon instinctively but the curtain was in the way. You start getting messages from your friend that is a warning to not look at the moon. You think this is a prank so you just turn off the light and go to sleep.

NIGHT 2, 20:00 PM

The message comes again, it kills your ears because you were listening to music. You think this is stupid but you are slightly scared because it happened again. You get up and get some water from your bathroom sink. Under no circumstance would you look at the moon. Then every contact on your phone sends the same message telling you to not lookout. Curiosity is killing you, maybe you will look tomorrow.

NIGHT 3, 20:00 PM

You get the message, it was expected this time. Gathering up your courage you decide to brave through this and look at the moon. You wonder what you may see or what may happen as you make your way to the window. Once you look out you see a message that reads "Error 404 not found". Around the moon are more stars than you have ever seen with other galaxies appearing to a glitch in and out of existence. You text your friend to tell them to look out but the same message sends to not look at the moon. Strange.

NIGHT 4, 20:00 PM

The message happens again. You try to figure out this strange coincidence but it is honestly nothing you have ever encountered before. You realize how alone you are because you cant contact your friend and you don't know what to do. Moving silently you peer out of the window back up to the moon hoping it might give you a clue of what's happening. After a long time of intense staring and thinking you come to the conclusion that this is all just a reoccurring dream so you go to sleep to wake up.

NIGHT 5, 21:17 PM

It was not a dream. The message once again blares ripping apart your sanity. Something is different now though, you look up to the sky and there is a loading symbol over the moon. You watch the sign swirl around considering your options of what to do, you have none. Sitting down, you realize there is nothing you can do because you do not understand. You watch the sign change. It changes to say "Deleting"

When you wake up you are in a military med-bay, a man smiles down on you and says welcome home. 

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