January 7, 2022

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For ages humans looked up to the night sky for hope and guidance in the hardest of times. They would depend on the fact that there may have been a mentor that looked after them and influenced their lives and behaviors. However as I look up into this sky which is supposed to be promising, I see nothing but a few stars in odd shapes.

I was surprised at how sublimely twinkly the stars looked considering I was viewing from my window in NYC. I never saw the true stars until I got to be five and my dad took me camping.

Everyone below me seemed to be moving so quickly that the stars didn't matter to them. It seemed as if I was drawn to a certain place in the sky where the stars seemed to make a triangle in the sky.

While I gazed at the abnormal night sky it seemed as if the triangle had gone out like a light, nothing was left in the spot but darkness.

When I looked over the horizon I noticed the stars falling like flies dropping from a hot lamp down to earth. I really did not need a new adventure in my life just as everything seemed to be going complacently right.

I decided that it might be a little fun to just go on and see what was going on, worst case scenario was that nothing happened and I would have made the drive for no reason.

I surreptitiously walked down from my apartment sniffing the notably suspicious Bronx air. I struggled to find which car was mine because the street light was broken on my street and no one cared enough to send in a fix order. It took a few minutes to ignite my engine because my car was old and needed to be replaced soon,

Hours later I finally arrived at the spot where I could smell sulfur and smoke. The decrepit backroads in which I drove on we're pitch black without my high beam lights on.

I drove along the road with my windows down and after a while I bent over to get a snack from my bag when the car stopped hitting something in the middle of the road. The figure went several feet airborne before slamming into the asphalt ground.

I screamed and ran to make sure the damage was not too severe.

When I did this, slowly getting up was a tall muscular man wearing what looked like golden armor. Perhaps he came from a convention. No.... that couldn't be it because I was in the middle of nowhere.

The man seemed to be fine which was odd due to the fact he had just been hit by a car going over 60 mph.

"Are you okay sir!?" I asked ethically.

The man looked at me as if confused about what I was talking about. I was also not sure what to say because I don't usually hit people with my car.

"Yes m'lady" he walked over and bowed to me with utmost peasantry "My name is Silenus"

Confused, I began to ask my second question.

"Sir..... I just hit you with my car. Are you feeling alright?" I watched his head rise up from the bow position he was in.

"No no" he replied showing a bit of emotion. "I am not okay, I was just subversed from the cosmos".

"Let me take you to the hospital!" I exclaimed, worried for the man's mental state.

He cocked his head in a playful way that I found personally extremely attractive.

"I know of no such thing" He replied

I looked around frantically, still high on the adrenaline that I had just felt.

"Uh have you seen the stars?" I asked, trying to form some sort of small talk with the man I just hit with my car.

"Yes, unfortunately eh" Silenus hesitated "they were rather cross with my behavior"

This man was most certainly delusional.

"You're saying that was you in the sky" I asked, trying to get the scoop of what was going on.

Silenus smiled with benevolence "Yes I made a joke about.." He coughed lamently

"What?" I asked

He did not look proud of himself, rather errant, as he muttered out "Uranus"

I'm not sure if it was the delusion of literally hitting someone with my car but I started laughing. Almost to the point of tears as well.

"Ur- Ur- Uranus" I struggled to speak through my laughter

It did not take long for Silenus to begin laughing as well, realizing how funny it really was.

"What's your n-name again" I asked recovering from the fit of laughter"

- "Silenus" He responded, also recovering from the fit.

I put my hand on his shoulder and looked to him,

"Silenus" I said "Come with me, I can tell we will be very, good friends"

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