April 13, 2022

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(Sorry for the Hiatus)

In the poem "My Teacher Wasn't Half As Nice As Yours Seems To Be" by Roald Dahl, he writes about a memory of a teacher from his youth who is not a very nice person. In the poem it can be read that his history teacher named Mr. Unsworth, if you got a date wrong Mr Unsworth would grab you by the ear and twist your ear until it came off. Roald Dahl wrote that there were many boys, at least eight, who had their ears wrenched off. Obviously they did not actually have their ears ripped off but it was a metaphor for how bad it would hurt and how the students would misbehave. While I have never had a teacher who ripped off my ears, I have one teacher in particular who was not a very good human being.

For the sake of privacy and getting full credit for this, let's call her Professor Malus. Professor Malus was the type of teacher to isolate certain students who learned differently from the rest. Rebellion pursued and I was quite an outspoken student deciding that if I were dumb to the world, I would be a rebel.  She made school a living hell and it took me years to relearn how to ask questions. Personally, Professor Malus told me I was stupid and that I would never make it anywhere in life, this is kind of funny looking back as I have gotten into a pretty nice high school if I do say so myself. I did not have a good home life back then and having school and home be bad makes your life, as one could assume, profusely difficult.

The entire poem is metaphorical, no one actually had their ears ripped off

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