Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16

Tamar sat with Jesse the next evening on their balcony where they could still see Absalom's forces camped on the Mount of Olives.

"On, Jesse, how long do you think we will have Absalom among the living? Every day servants tell me that he is frustrated by father's mighty men, who have become well skilled in how to fight and run since King Saul chased them all over Israel. Now my brother does not know where to find him."

"My love, Absalom has an armed man for every star in the heavens, but he has few real soldiers. It will be a gigantic, bloody harvest in which David will send forth his few laborers and cut down Absalom's army like ripe wheat. We can only pray you father spares Absalom, whom we all love so much."

Jesse sat holding Tamar. It was colder that night, and she needed his arm and encouragement to warm her spirit. They sat up somewhat longer and then turned in. They spread shards on the floor and had a dog that barked at visitors. Jesse sent Tamar as was his custom into an isolated room to sleep and kept himself between her and the doors to the courtyard.

During the night Jesse heard the subtle breaking of shards, and he rose up, waiting with his weapon behind his door. Soon an armed assassin entered and moved straight for Jesse's corner bed. He raised his hand and plunged his dagger hard against the blanket and soft form beneath it. Sensing his fatal error, he began to turn toward a slight noise behind him. He was too late.

With one downward swing Jesse had split the unsuspecting, bold avenger from his shoulder to his bowels. He fell dead without speaking to the floor.

Tamar came out to confront Jesse. She drew back, startled by the body lying in a pool of blood. She didn't scream at death that night. She said nothing but buried her head in Jesse's shoulder. After shaking with unspoken fear and relief, she at length calmed down as Jesse held her with tenderness.

Tamar continued to lean on Jesse as he took her downstairs and stopped by the body of their dog. Someone must have known that it guarded the house. Tamar then felt such pity for the unfortunate animal. As ahe stroked it, she noticed its body showed no signs of a struggle. "Poisoned?" she said.

"An assassin killed an innocent dog just to get to me?" she said through tears. She turned to Jesse, crying. "How long must we wait to be killed?"

"On my precious Tamar, the beginning of the end comes in a few days either for your father or Absalom. With God's help, the killing will be over soon. Men who in honesty have followed Absalom will fall by the sword while Sheol will also claim servants long loyal to David. Until  that day comes, we will not know a night's peaceful rest. But let's find a place tonight where no one usually sleeps."

Tamar kissed Jesse. "Sleep holding me tonight. If we must die, let us be together."

The house had not had an animal bedded down within its walls in weeks, but there was still a small barn in a corner that could hold mules or cows. Jesse made a place for Tamar in the straw and lay down beside her.

Tamar took hold of his hand and told him she loved him. Tired and frightened, she was asleep within minutes.

After what seemed an eternity to Absalom, he received a report that King David was on the move. He then roused his army that had grown twice the size of David's over the past days. Even thought Absalom knew that his individual soldiers were largely untried in battle, he had made use of a small.amount of time for his few experienced servants to show them the basics of fighting. With these he was confident his experienced captains would give him the victory.

He joined his army on the slopes of the Mount of Olives and spoke aloud. "Be of good courage. I will bring justice and prosperity to Israel as I promised.  Let us go out to destroy King David, who has hardened his heart against Israel just as he did against Uriah!"

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