Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18

After Tamar, Jesse, and the king had mourned Absalom long enough, she asked for a special audience with King David. She had said nothing special to Jesse, but asked only if he trusted her judgment. She was pleased that he said that he did and would ask no questions about what she had in mind.

Tama had often surprised Jesse, and she had a big one for him that day. She was pleased that he never asked what was in the bag she carried.

She took Jesse by his arm, her face took on devious smile that she always had when wanting to spring a big surprise.

Tamar was still holding on to Jesse when she entered the king's throne room. She released Jesse, who stood to her side. Standing at the back of the room were the midwives who had treated her years before. With confidence she seldom showed before, she approached the king. She took him into her arms and kissed him.

She said, "Today, my father and king, you are going to restore justice that was taken from me years ago."

He kissed her back and asked, "What indispensable service am I going to perform today?"

She held him tight, "First, you are going to hear my evidence and rule in my favor. Second, you will grant me your special blessing and request the same of the priests and Nathan the Prophet."

"Zadok and Abiathar are here, and so is Nathan," the king said.

"Proclaim that I am as eligible to marry just as would any young virgin in Israel."

"My lovely daughter, your heart is pure, and I love you. If any man would take you in marriage, he would have the right to demand the tokens of your virginity. Allow me to ask for them in the place of a future husband."

Jesse was uneasy about Tamar's now showing an interest in marriage. Since he had taken his vow, he feared she would seek another man because he could not lie with her in marriage. That meant they would never be married. But he couldn't stand the thought of life without her. Why, he thought, would she torment with her light-hearted attitude now?

Tamar had handed Jesse her bag and now asked for it. She reached inside and pulled out her clothes that she had worn when Amnon took her by force.

"Here are my tokens." She called to Jesse. "Jesse, tell the king what you know about that day."

Jesse had forgotten not one detail about Tamar's traumatic day. He told the people everything.

Tamar then called the midwives. They told of treating her wounds that were caused by Amnon when he forced her to lie with him.

Tamar then looked to the priests and Nathan the Prophet. "What about the Law of Moses?"

Zadok said, "When an un-betrothed woman is taken by force, the man who forced her is considered her husband. He may not divorce her."

Tamar then asked Nathan, "Am I not innocent of wrong doing?"

"Yes," Nathan said.

With growing confidence as she looked back at the priests, Tamar asked, "If by law Amnon was my first husband, then have I not been free to marry since his death?"

They answered, "Yes, you have been free to marry whom you please for years."

Tamar's heart leaped with joy. "Then I ask your blessing on my coming marriage."

Jesse, who had loved her so, was devastated that she wanted to marry after all those years. He had loved her and shown her his faithful service. Were her kisses and caresses lies, he asked himself? His heart stuck in his throat, when he heard the priests and Nathan ask together.

"Marry whom, Tamar?"

Tamar then said, "Forgive me, all of you, for misleading you in these questions." She then walked with boldness up to Jesse and held onto his arm. With tenderness, she kissed his cheek.

No one in the room except Tamar knew what she was about. She then put her arm in Jesse's and walked with him up to the king, the priests, and Nathan.

"I wish to marry Jesse!"

Jesse's tortured look changed to one of hope, but he was still puzzled at Tamar's words. Everyone by now knew of the oath Absalom made him take.

They all asked her with one voice, "How is Jesse free to marry you? He took an oath."

Tamar smiled, "Jesse will provide you with what you need to know. He does not know he is eligible until I ask him to remember the day he took his oath."

She kissed Jesse again before all. "Jesse, do you remember all the words Absalom spoke? I do."

Jesse thought back to that horrible day. In a moment he had the words. "'As long as I draw breath', Absalom said with certainty..."

Tamar without hesitation said, "Stop there."

"Why?" Jesse asked.

"Were those not the exact words you told me that day Absalom said that I should ask you about the oath?

"Yes, but why do you want me to tell ...? Jesse stopped in mid sentence. He then held onto Tamar, and he looked to the King, the priests, and Nathan. "Tamar needs me to say no more because it isn't necessary."

He then held Tamar close to him. For the first time he realized a truth that Tamar had known from the first moment on the day anguish gripped him as he explained the oath. With deliberation he addressed all who stood in the room.

"Now that Absalom is dead, I am free to marry Tamar!"

Tamar cried with tears of joy.

Jesse's heart leaped with a joy he had not known in years as he took her with his hands and whirled her around in the presence of the king and everyone in court.

Tamar looked to the king, the priests, and Nathan.

"Will you give us your special blessings on my coming marriage to Jesse? Everybody knows that I have loved him since the day you brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem."

They all spoke with one voice, "Blessed be the marriage of Tamar and Jesse! May your home be filled with children from your love."

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