part seven: monument

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y/n's pov

I was still feeling a little shitty about decathlon and all the thoughts about Peter but today we were going to see the Washington monument and I felt quite excited. I was intrigued to actually know if it was as big as it seemed.

"Y/n, you going in the monument?" Ned asked as we were all walking towards the large statue. I may not be in great terms with Peter but Ned has always been nice to me.

"Yeah, I wanna hear about the history." I smiled.

"Ah, I just wanna go up really high." He grinned childishly. I laughed.

I noticed that Peter wasn't anywhere to be seen. He left the room earlier then me this morning so I assumed he would definitely be here by now.

"Ned, wheres Peter?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Oh I-um I- he didn't feel great so he said he'd tag along later." He stuttered.

"Oh, okay." It didn't add up in my head but I ignored it when the tour guide told us to get into the lift.

So far it was actually quite interesting, hearing about the incredible and sad history of the monument. But in the middle of the tour guides talk, the elevator jolted sending us all grabbing onto the wall. It halted and we all looked around to each other in worry.

"Okay guys I know that was scary but our safety systems are working."

peters pov

"The safety systems are completely failing."

"I'm going as fast as I can!"

"You now have 120 seconds until catastrophic failure."

"What?! Why?!"

"Unexpected motion has caused the deterioration to escalate."

"How do i get in there?!"

All of a sudden, my Spiderman logo came out of my suit.


As Karen was looking for a way in, I focused on who was inside. Oh my god, Ned! I had to get in there as soon as possible. And wait, is that...y/n. My heart began to beat even faster.

"Karen, please hurry. Y/n and Ned are in there!"

"Locating optimal entry point."

"Cmon Karen, please."

"Proceed to south west window."

"I'm on my way!"

As I got to the top of the tower, my stomach dropped as I realised how high I was.

"Oh my god...okay-"

"Why are you stopping?" Karen asked.

"I-I've just never been this high before."

"You have also not reinstalled your parachute, so a fall from this height would most likely be lethal."


I began to dig my heel into the glass, but there was no sign of it breaking.

"Why isn't it breaking?!"

"It's 4 inch ballistic glass, you'll have to create more momentum."

A helicopter came down, the speaker threatening to shoot at me. God if I didn't already have problems right now. A plan hatched in my head, realising that the only way I would get enough momentum was if I got as far away as possible. I climbed all the way up to the point and looked behind me, and then down to the ground. Wow I missed the ground.

"Oh god, I'm gonna die."

I flung myself backwards, activating my wings and flying over the helicopter. I webbed onto the bottom of the helicopter and aimed my feet at the window. Before I knew it, my body was smashing through the glass. I didn't have much time to be happy as I watched the elevator detach from its hinges and drop. I immediately thwipped a massive web onto the top and attempted to pull it back up, my feet barely holding myself up against the shattered elevator doors.

I found myself feeling weaker and weaker, not sure I would be able to hold it any longer.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna die aren't I?" I heard a terrified voice cry from below.


I yanked the web with all my strength, the entire elevator rising quickly and my friends coming into view.

"Quick! Go!" I shouted through gritted teeth.

Everyone immediately rushed out, still being as careful as they can. I watched in relief as Ned climbed out.

My best friend was safe.

"Cmon people, move it, move it!"

I watched as Mr Harrington reached his hand out to grab y/n, the last person. But before she could grab it, the elevator dropped.


I quickly webbed her hand, a wave of relief washing over me. Her eyes were glistening, mouth gaping open in disbelief. I just wanted to hug her and never let her go. I wanted her to be safe in my arms.

"It's okay, it's okay." I grasped her hand and pulled her towards the others. She still held my hand even when she was brought to safety, her reluctance making my heart flutter.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked, deliberately making me voice deeper.

She simply nodded, eyes locked onto my big white ones.

"This is your chance Peter, kiss her." Karen spoke softly.

Earlier, I had told Karen about my situation with Y/n. Being an AI she was very honest, telling me that it was stupid how I pushed her away. And frankly, I agreed.

I tried to make a decision, her beautiful y/c/e still staring at me. Fate made the decision for me as my web broke and I went tumbling down the elevator shaft.

y/n's pov

My heart jumped as Spiderman quickly left my eyesight, falling down into the abyss.

"Thank you." Mr Harrington called down.

"Are you really friends with Peter Parker?" Flash also called down, making me snap out of my trance and roll my eyes.

I was still catching up to what just happened. I almost died. My life was almost over. But he saved me. Spiderman saved me. I didn't want to let go of his hand when he took it from my grasp. I just felt safe with him, as if I'd known him all my life.

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