chapter thirty two

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Breath. You're alive.

Calm down. It's not that much pain.

Relax. You will find your way out of this..

But the baby.

I was tied to a wooden post. Weak and bloodied. Tears fell from my face as I thought of the disappointment I would be when I am found...if I am found. I had only managed to get ahold of the death eater, Margarets, wand for a second and she caught me, leaving me with the aching feeling of crucio.
I've became her little toy, her guinea pig. She tries new spells on me and asks me how much it hurts, and if I don't answer in time, she does it again. "Oh, Cassandra." Margaret calls as she walks in. "I finally realize who you are." She says to me and sits in front of me. She is literally insane, she thinks she is being my bloody friend by doing all these things! "Who?" I question quietly. "You are a Britt!" She exclaims. "Weren't you the little rat who got put in Gryffindor instead of Slytherin?" She asks. "Yes." I tell her thickly. She lets out a screeching laugh before untying me. "You get to eat." She says and I smile a real smile, she hasn't fed me at all since I've been here. I look down at my stomach and only hope the baby was still alive. I was lead through her place, with her pointing her wand at me. If only I can muster up enough energy to finally apparate. This whole time I havent been able to because of how weak I was. She hands me a sandwhich and a glass of water and instead of quickly eating, I savored every bite and drank slowly. "Would you like dessert?" She asks. "Why are you being nice?" I ask. "I've been nice this whole time! I just decided you probably needed food or my only friend would die." She tells me as she hands me a slice of cake. "Oh, I made this new spell that makes the victims body parts break apart and rearrange themselves. I can't wait for you to try it!" She says happily. I suddenly lost my appetite. I knew if I apparated now I would kill myself. I am pretty sure I broke a rib and my wrist. My body was bloodied and what's the risk? I'm going to die if I stay here. I close my eyes and in a split second I feel myself apparating, then darkness errupts around me.

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