District 4 - Female

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Name: Koira Renai

Age: 17

Gender: Female

District: 4

Appearance: Koira has cropped blonde hair that is almost always straightened, her eyes are an icy blue and her figure is slender but slightly curvy. Her skin is quite tanned due to the amount of time she spends outside and in the water and she is average height. Koira walks like a dancer; with elegance and often smiling. Whenever she is embarrassed a deep blush is visible on her cheeks. Her lashes are long and dark and her lips are plump and pink. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_-TB85m6xY-0/SwJcyaJBxJI/AAAAAAAAAe4/DwSuW7uoJ6o/s1600/Short%252525252BWomen%252525252BHairstyles2.jpg

Personality: Koira is one of the happiest people you will ever meet; she is incredibly optimistic and always manages to find a silver lining even in the darkest times. She is very loving and is openly kind to those around her, so much so that sometimes people think she is unreal. Koira is very sappy and believes in true love, though she has never experienced it herself. She is very self critical and is a perfectionist, always putting one hundred percent into every aspect of her life, as a result of this she is quite popular and successful in her district.

District token: A pendant of a dolphin leaping through a ring of stars.

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