Chapter 13

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Sky's POV

"Are you going to answer any of my questions?"
Sigh, "Skylar at least tell me if you're okay?"

"JARED!!!!!!" I finally answered him.

He raised his eyebrows, "since when I'm Jared?  Where's your manners? I thought I raised you better than that."

"Well YOU didn't raise me Jared my mother did. Hell the maid you fired after my mother died and replaced me with was a better parent."

"I still deserve your respect, I'm your father."

"Are you really? When last have you been a father to me?"

"I don't understand what you're trying to say child."

"Ahhhh now that's the name you usually call me since you moved your tramp into MY mother's house."

"Now you could disrespect me but have some respect for you mother....."

"THAT WITCH IS NOT MY MOTHER!!!!!! Don't you EVER give my mother's tittle to that wicked bitch!!!!!"


I hold my face in shock.....did he really just hit me?
I turned slowly to look at him his hand is trembling and he looked as though he himself can't believe that he hit me.

"I.......I......" he cleared his throat, "I'm sorry for losing my temper while you're in a hospital bed. But you forced my hand when you disrespected my wife. She may not be your birth mother but she's been your mother for the last......"

I had to cut him off again, " since my mother died? That's what she was doing? Being a MOTHER to me?" I laughed, "Making me a slave for you both. Verbally abusing me almost everyday. Moving me to a cold basement with nothing but a mattress to protect me from the cold. Or this one is icing on the cake......using MY allowance that I didn't even knew I had. That's a mother? If so I'm glad she's barren because the mother I had was not a wicked vindictive bitch."

He stood there with his mouth open obviously shocked I actually stood up to him.

"How......who told you about the allowance. "

Waw I think I gave him too much credit his shock was actually for the fact that I now know about his lies. I zoned out on him.
I didn't bother replying to him I just messaged Mrs......I mean Khadijah and Kayden to come inside.

As soon as they walked in I said, " Is the offer to say with you all still available?"

"Yes I meant what I said we're here for you Sky." Kayden replied while Khadijah's eyed my father with mistrust in them.
You and me both I thought.
"Mrs. Lincoln...."

"It's just Dijah for you."

"And you can call me Kaydie if you'd like."

I smiled at them, "okay Dijah are you okay with me staying at your place for a while?"

"Yes and I appreciate that you're asking me though any decision my wife makes I'll stand by it."

"WIFE?!?! You're a lesbian? You're going to stay with Lesbians? Don't you think they'll turn you gay? I do not approve of this're not going and that's final."

"Firstly I'm not a little girl you can order around anymore Jared. Secondly they can't TURN me I've been a lesbian my whole life. I've known since I was 12 and you had the "talk" with me. So kindly fu......" I looked at Dijah who already had her eyebrow raised, and to my surprise so does Kayden.

I cleared my throat, "So kindly exit my room please."
They both smiled at that and against my better judgment I felt proud of myself. Urghhhh curse my submissive demeanour.

"But we're your family Skylar.......we.....I love you."

"Stop with the lies Jared, you love my mother's money. You had a kid but you're not, nor have you been a father. I understand that it's not in you to truly love me as a father should. Don't worry though my mother loved me enough for the both of you the 14 years I had with her."

"I'll be by in a couple of days to get my belongings and I'm giving you two months to get somewhere to live and for you to find a job."

"What do you mean? You can't kick us out......"

"Actually she can do as she pleases since it's her house. I suggest you put your ducks in a row because she's being very generous."

"Skylar I am your fa...."

"It's either you leave willingly or I let Dijah call security......I'm good either way."  I cut him off.

He shut his mouth immediately, stared at me with an unreadable expression and then left.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "You'll get through this I promise."
Kaydie said cupping my cheek as a traitorous tear slid out my eye.

"How do you know?"

"Experience!" Dijah answered. "Kayden's father hid her from her family in Hope's of producing a son. He only let it known that he had a child when a distant cousin suggested that his son be the heir seeing that there wasn't any."

"Oh and my father acknowledged me, he just didn't care enough to support me financially. Or my grandmother who raised me by the way. And the sick part is she's his mother so he knew our struggles but he was too "ashamed" of his poor mother. So ungrateful that guy, she was raped by my grandfather at the age of 17 and she kept him and struggled to raise him. After being kicked out of her parents home for deciding to keep him and that's the thanks he gave to her."

She stopped as if just realizing something, "So you see we all have messed up fathers but great women raised us along with great father figures. It only gets better from down here cause the only way to go is up."

I hugged Kaydie, "Thank you.....thank you both."
She smiled at me while Dijah nodded.

"Can I call you Kyky and you Dee?"

They laughed, "Sure" they said at the same time.

Well that's not creepy, "Can we leave now? I hate hospitals."

"Sure let me inform your doctor"

Dee left while Kyky started packing up my things.
I think I can get used to being spoiled again.

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