Chapter Six

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Cee Cee is Dijah's best friend and employee.....she runs the BDSM club seeing that Dijah has other businesses to watch over as well.

Sky's POV

After I reach back in hell......I mean home after that encounter with that rude but attractive stud I've been doing my job as a good maid should.......I mean a good daughter should. I cooked, serve them and then clean after them then go to bed to wake up to the same routine.

I wonder if my Dad even cares about me, I was never really close to him but I'm still his child.....that should stand for something right?
I'm so lost in my thoughts I almost didn't hear my phone ringing.

"Hello Good morning, Skylar Lewis many I help you?"

'Hello Good morning this is Audrey Smith, from the Lincoln company. I'm calling to inform you that we received your resume and you're scheduled for an interview for tomorrow at 9am.'

"Thank you very I need to bring any additional information?"

'Yes, I saw that you've applied for a waitress position but we only have an opening for a secretary.
If you're still interested we will need a copy of your qualifications and bring the original along please.'

"Yes I'm interested I'll get on it....thank you very much for this opportunity you won't regret it."

'I hope not see you tomorrow at 9am sharp.'

"Okay I will, thank you"
I screamed and did a happy dance after the call ended.......thank goodness the wicked witch of the west isn't here.
I'm not telling them anything until I get the job.

I've learned my lesson with my big mouth as I thought that I remembered something my Mom told me......
'Not everyone will celebrate your victories but they'll be the first to point out your flaws.
Those people don't deserve you baby...know you worth.
You're the most valuable thing in my life, if you think that you're alone just remember that your mommy loves you, and I'll protect you even after death My Love'

She would then kiss 10 year old Sky and my memory fade due to the tears in my eyes.
I miss her more than anything why did she had to leave me alone on earth with these people.

Sigh I'll just finish everything and go to bed I'll clean the dishes they used tomorrow.

I hope I get the job I'll have to wake up 5am and do my chores then sneak out around 7am before the get up.

Yeah that sounds like a plans...I head to the basement aka my bedroom.
It was once my Mom and I woman cave and my old room is now the witches closet.

I mean how much clothes and jewelry does she really need?
I took a shower and lay down on my bed aka my mattress.
Stella decided that I didn't need nor deserve a bed, but my Dad insisted that I at least get a mattress.
I guess I should thank him right?
I felt my eyes closing.....I guess I was tired after all........

Cee Cee POV

I look at my beautiful wife wondering how I got this lucky.
"Yes mistress" I knew better than to address her by her first name when she took that tone.
"I've called you 5 times....what's got you mind so far?" She said with a straight face and a raised eyebrow.
She's so possessive, "I was thinking how lucky I am to have you."

She gave me a smile that melts my heart every time.
She got up and walked to my desk, pulling out my chair and sat on me putting her arms around my neck.

Without warning she kissed me it didn't take long before she deepen the kiss.
I responded immediately, looking at us people automatically assume I'm the dominant one, but it's actually this Queen on top of me.

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me Celine." She said looking me dead in my eyes.
"I love you baby, never forget that okay?"
"I won't ever even dream of it Babylove."
I felt her hand on my neck tighten, I didn't notice it was there.
"Next time I call you and you don't reply, no matter the excuse you'll be punished. Understood?"
"Yes Mistress!" My low area is dripping at this point.
Especially since she was assaulting my neck the entire time.

The ringing of the office phone snapped us out of our trans.
"Hello, Smith speaking, how may i help you?"
'Hey Cee, did you handle the errand you was asked you to do?'
"Yes I did Audrey just came off the phone with her.....she has an interview tomorrow at 9am."
'Okay good, tell the wife I said hi.'
"Will do"

We hung up and I turned to Audrey,
"Back to work?"
She smiled, "Of course Boss." She winked and went back to her desk.
That's another thing I admire about her, she knows how to separate business from personal.
Professional wise she's my assistant manager.

Shella's POV

"HOW DO YOU SPEND $15,000 IN ONE STORE?" yelled Jared my darling husband.

"I saw things that I wanted to get." I replied with a shrug.

"We're broke Stella.....Do you comprehend that? That money you're spending is Skylar's monthly tuition. Her mother must be rolling in her grave." He sighed and looked down in shame.

"Don't you mention that bitch or her were mine from the beginning. Skylar is supposed to be mine."

"But we were both broke could I have given you the kind of life you wanted.
Sasha loved me and she was rich...we both decided that it was for the best."

"Yeah well you didn't expect for her to put everything in the little brats name didn't all the money she left you is gone and what's left we can't touch. Isn't that funny?" I started laughing.

"And that's all because of're spending all the money so fast I'm working to pay back debt only. If you continue we'll be right back where we started 21 years ago." He walked out.

"Where are you going?"
Fine then let him leave....always playing the victim.
I was alone while he was playing house with that bitch.
He wasn't even there when I lost our son......I can't even have anymore children.
I'm gonna go online and buy some things......maybe I'll feel better after.



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