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Warning, NSFW. Includes suggestive and sexual elements.

Della Duck was just going about her day. Nothing too interesting was happening when she found Buddy Pal Friendly sleeping on a pile of laundry in the sunlight. Della went over to him, shaking his shoulder to wake him up. Buddy groaned tiredly, "No, I'm sleepy. Let me sleep." She sighed to herself, attempting to pick him up but found he was strangely heavy for a person made entirely of candy. He curled up on the pile, refusing to move. So the lady bird glared at him as she tried to think of something to get him to move.

That's when she got an idea.

Della pushed him, thinking gravity would simply make him off the pile of laundry. However this didn't work, as it only caused her to be more worn. She sat down and took a thinking pose. Maybe there was a way to wake him up? Della Duck shouted, "Wakey Wakey, Eggs and suffering!" That didn't go the way she planned, Pal Friendly got up, took her to the couch, and fell asleep cuddling her.

The pilot crossed her arms. The candy dog held her. As she lay there, she found being held to be comforting. It had been so long since she had been held like this, having lacked any human contact on the moon. Slowly, the duck relaxed and fell asleep on the couch.

Donald Duck was having trouble getting to sleep. He wasn't sure why, he just felt lacking in something to help him sleep. Donald got up and wandered around, finally finding himself just staring into the fridge unsure if he was even hungry or just bored. Don then had a large weight on his back. When the sailor looked behind him, he saw Buddy Pal Friendly sleepily laying against him with a dumb smile. Buddy commented sappily, "Cute Ducky. I wanna snuggle and cuddle and kissy kissy the cute little Ducky." Donnie narrowed his eyes as he slammed the fridge door closed.

"Get off of me." He grumbled halfhearted. Pal Friendly hugged him and mumbled sweetly, "Of course, I'll be glad to protect you tiny little Duckie." The blue eyed duck realized that the candy dog was likely half awake and barely able to tell what was going on. Now knowing that, he lightly shoved him away. The twin brother breathed out, "Get. I'm not dealing with this tonight." The larger man stumbled backwards in his near sleep walk, seemingly baffled by the events taking place. The yellow mutt steadied himself before puzzling aloud, "Duck duck? Did I do somethin' wrong, Duck Duck?"

The adult male duck started walking off to not do more things while he was unable to sleep. Before that could happen, The buff man touched his tail. He fumbled at it, "Soft? Ducks are soft... Touch duck? Yes soft. Soft good. Wanna rub." It was becoming clear that Friendly was growing less aware in his sleep like daze. Don Don lazily batted off the paw.

The toony duck having had enough of this, went back to bed to pretend to sleep. The male duck laid on his front, disgruntled at his not falling asleep when the giant suddenly mounted and dry humped him. It was so weird, the movement made him start to fall asleep. The beefy canine held him in a light hug, stopping his previous actions and apologizing in nonsense, "I'm sorry for making' you purple Mr. Duck. I was muffin man blueberry monkey business." The stop of motion somehow also rewoke the adventurer. This greatly annoyed him.

Donald slurred, "Hey, I didn't say stop this time. Keep going." The friendly friend just squeezed him in his hug for a second but did nothing else. Donald Duck swallowed his distaste and rubbed his butt against him, hoping to make himself fall asleep by doing so. It felt a little like it was working. Donnie thought back to what else happened that could have helped, remembering vaguely of sleeptalked nonsense that seemed affectionate. He attempted it, "That's right, pretty pretty ducky. Nice good. Feels good to rub." Doing this just seemed silly despite it somehow working.

Don stopped and scoffed at himself, "Donald, what are you even doing? Just take a sleeping pill, you big buffoon." He was just getting out of bed when Pal started humping him again. His eyelids were so heavy and it was so hard to move out of bed. Buddy vaguely grumbled lovingly, "Nice nice. Prettiest ducky. I love you so much every day. I'll give all the sleepy nighty night." In his half awake and half asleep mind, that made sense. So with a final yawn, Donald finally got to sleep.

Buddy Pal Friendly and making many "super special bestest friends"Where stories live. Discover now