The Prototype

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Della Duck peeked into the room. Buddy Pal Friendly was staring at that pocket watch again, he seemed to be changing the time. She walked as quietly into the room as she could, not wanting to upset him by being too loud. Della peered over his shoulder.... There was something wrong with the watch. It didn't only have numbers. There were too many hands. Some of them went backwards. As she stared into it, there was a growing unnerving feeling.

Buddy clicked a button, laying back to accidentally bump his head. He looked up to see Della Duck. Pal Friendly panicking, "Della! How long have you been here?! What did you see!? Just leave please, I don't have time to explain!!" Della refused, instead hugging him. The Pilot assured, "Don't worry. I'm here, I'm going to help you." However before any of them could respond, something happened.

They were in a cold, dark, metal, room. A tired and bluesy voice rang out, "Who are y'all?" Pal Friend put a finger up then shhhhed before whispering to her, "Tell no one. Especially not Gyro." The adventurer nodded, understanding they had to be quiet. The two made their way down the dark room. The candy dog stopped, flicking on a light switch. There lay a floppy, blue, dog, naked for all but a pair of broken square glasses. The yellow dog kneed down to him, speaking in a hushed tone, "Hey Grandparent. I brought a friend from the past, is that okay?"

The blue dog looked up, it was if they couldn't see. The candy canine spoke in a blue jazz, bluegrass, sounding voice, "You shouldn't have brought Della here. You and your father, with your names and hopeful, useless, traditions, both as worthless as life comes." The duck was about to knock that frown upside with her fists but was held back. "They've been though a lot, please don't hurt them more." The friendly friend pleaded.

She stood back. The bird asked bluntly, "How do you know my name?" The broken glasses turned to the sound of her voice. They huffed as if giving up, "You don't even remember who's eyes I am wearing, do you?" This only confused her more. The buff guy patted the blue puddle on the floor and questioned, "Prototype, I've been having strange feelings. Can you tell my what they are?" A paw shoved his own away. Pale parwinkle eyes glared. The puddle spat with a voidy, apathic, hate, "Your feelings? Your feelin's are more a waste of this meanin'less world than the sugary flesh you refuse to let go. If you realized the truth, you would lay and await your death like me!!"

The prototype flopped its head on the ground and grumbled, "You made me care about something, how stupid." The younger man sniffled in pain, backing away towards his friend. The sunshine cried, "Papa was right about you. You are a Meanie Beans!" The younger lady held him close and whispered to his floppy ear, "Don't listen to that jerk. You are just feeling lonely, everyone gets that way sometimes." They both cuddled together.

The pocket watch was clicked again, and they were back in the first room.

The End

Buddy Pal Friendly and making many "super special bestest friends"Where stories live. Discover now