A Drawing Shared

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Ok so I don't remember what my dream was last night but as for the night before it had to do with one of my bffs Katherine Sunshine.  

As most of you know (and if you don't go check out her work- its AMAZING) she awesome! And I'm not lying when I say I'm a little jealous of her flair for writing. She has this way of taking words and making them into images in a way that's almost scary. I blame her Spooky dead on insight!  

Ok so if this is my dream then why am I gushing about my Little Biffle??? Because that's what my dream was about!

Even now I'm losing bits and pieces but what I do remember was that I was playing on instagram and saw one of my drawings I did not too long ago. I was all happy when I saw it and laughed at how I messed up on the leg of the fairy. I decided to get off Instagram and go fix the leg in the drawing. So I get off the phone and notice my house for the first time. 


I've been reading The Hunger Games lately and when I came to the part in The Girl On Fire where Katniss is in the Mayor of District 12's house I had a really old, really big house in my mind.  


Well that was my house in my dream! So I walk through my house to the room I draw and create in because in my dream house I would totally have a room like that.  

I go into the room and see all my drawings on my desk. I don't have to look very hard for the drawing of the fairy because it's sitting practically on top of everything only its been completely redone! I know its the same drawing because the position of the fairy and the face is similar but it now has more detail, a new background, and is no longer a fairy but an olde english type girl/doll. The doll/fairy is still sitting but now on a pedestal. She's on a dark colored victorian table and there's a window next to her now. The detail is amazing but there are obvious disfigurations to the shading on the face.  

Now I really like my fairy drawing. Some might think - even I thought- that I would have been furious at seeing that my pretty drawing has been - if I cared THAT much- ruined. But I'm displeased at all. In fact, I take a seat and try to improve the small imperfections. I want her drawing-because it is now no creation of mine- to be as beautiful as possible and I feel as though it was left out so that I could help. So I could erase the minor flaws, smooth the lines, and all that stuff.  

The problem now is that I don't have time. My Dad's calling me and I havt to hurry and leave.  

For some reason in my dream I have this ability to swipe the paper with my thumb and whatever impression I'm concentrating on will happen on the paper. So my dream ends with my swiping my thumb over the dolls cheek trying to the lighting or darkening of the pencils smears just right, but as my father's calling for me it keeps jumping from too dark to none at all. 

So I didn't finish and I couldn't really help - that made me feel bad

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