Taking Care of Business

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My dream last night was a little long and a little weird.  

So you already know I've been dreaming about a strange big wooden house. Well this time in the house it was kinda old and dusty. Me, my Mom, my Grandma, my great grandma, Kyung and a few other people were all cleaning it. My son was there too but he was tiny. He's four in real life but in my dream he was maybe two years old again.  

This is where it gets a little confusing. Some days my great grandma who we called Big Grandma when she was alive would be watching Tv with me as I watched a show about B2ST.  

Now apparently I've dreamed about B2ST before because the show was not meshing well, to the point where even now I can't explain what it was about. The show was more like outtakes from the B2ST dream I have no memory of. But my great grandma would sit and ask: why are we watching this? It makes no sense." 

"Big Grandma its like the part 2. When they show the part 1 it'll make sense. 

Omg I just realized what this is kind of like. If you've watched or read Harry Potter then this is probably the house I've been in. In my dream we were cleaning out 16 Grimwald place. The house Sirius Black grew up in that the use as HeadQuarters for the Order of the Phoenix! Ok yay that makes sense.  

Now for another trippy part. B2ST was apparently in the house as well and would sometimes interact with us, like have dinner with us and stuff. 

I'm guessing this must've been dream number 4 or so for the night because during the cleaning of the house one day after I have a huge freak out over spiders I tell everyone I can't keep fiddle fadding around the house because I need to get a move on.  

Here's where it gets to be like a video game. The lower parts of the house that now has infinite floor levels is rigged and booby trapped. I start to see more of B2ST because apparently they're after something in the house also but its further down and there's another team of people my family didn't know about, that the tv show is not showing, getting in their way. With B2ST's guidance I'm able to get out of the house safely and they take me to an airport.  

This is why I say the house mustve been dream 4 because now elements and storylines from previous dreams are coming in.  

There's a girl who looks just like Michele Rodriquez only smaller and younger that we're going to call Elle just cause I can't quite remember what I called her in my dream. Something with an L haha. Well she comes barging up to me and pushes me. I can tell she angry with me by the frown on her face but the look in her eye says she's sad and disappointed.  

"Elle listened I'm sorry it took so long-" I start but she cuts me off and pushes me again.  

"No! What the fuck Tommy. We've been waiting for days for you to get back!" She says through a clenched jaw in a strained and quiet tone. She doesn't want to bring any attention to us.  

"Elle I'm sorry. It's only been 2 days and I had to make sure Dan-o(what I call my son) was safe." 

"You should have taken Maggie too." Her 7 year old little sister.  

"Maggie has your Abuela. They'll be safe together." I say.  

"The gang wants to see us. Ricky has some new gadgets for us." Elle says in defeat because she knows I'm right. Maggie wouldn't have left to be with my family anyways. How I know this I'm not sure haha. Elle and I leave for the meeting that I only catch flashes of. We're in a very tropical place. It reminds me of something out of an Indiana Jones film. In the meeting we're given our rank among ourselves and our new weapons and what the mission is. Apparently there's an off shore rig that's being over run with monsters because the rig pumped up something more precious to them than oil. Some of that precious liquid made it shore side and there's rumors some monsters will be heading this way so we'll be leaving in spaced out intervals. There's only 13 of us but we've been split into 3 groups. I'm in charge of Elle and two other guys.  

As we're walking out of the meeting Elle's walking half a step behind me and still looks crushed. She know's I'm not going to say anything so she takes a breath and tries to hold back her tears as she says: 

"You were gone for all that time and not once have you said that you missed me." She stops in her tracks expecting me to turn around and comfort her but I can't. I just keep walking. The airport is also a harbor and a hotel. Some place huh? And the location is beautiful. I go out to the hotel. There's no need to rush to prepare for anything since my team won't leave for another 36 hours unless we're called out on emergency. At the hotel there's restaurants and lots of pools to choose from. I have friends there who have nothing to do with my mission.  

Elle must be a very forgiving girlfriend because these friends invite me for a swim so I go without bothering to ask her to come, because I fell like she needs to calm down. But by the time I changed into a suit they're all gone. I see one friend of mine and ask him if he wants to swim. He's not on any of my "teams" but he knows what's going on. We start to talk about it. If I'm prepared to go up against those things. What if I don't make it back? 

"I have to." I tell him. "I have more than just random peoples safety riding on this. More than just protecting monster piss. I've got my family to come back to because I'm not done learning how to take care of them." I say. We're swimming in like a lazy river that's around a restaurant where people are eating right now. 

He laughs at me for what I say.  

"You're pretty determined." He says and I feel my top unsnap from behind. I cover myself the turn to look at him. "I was gonna ask if you wanted a jump since you don't know if you'll be coming back. But you seem to think you'll be coming back from all this." He says getting out of the river pool thing. "You're really stupid you know." He calls to me as he's walking away.  

Well now I'm topless and everyone can see me. One of my teammates who's not under my command comes to help me catch my floating top as its moving with the current. He catches it and blocks me from view of the restaurant patrons as I put it on. He even snaps the back for me. 

"Don't mind him." He says to me as though I've just been horribly traumatized when I'm obviously just mad. He seems like a sweet guy but after that I don't notice him again.  

It's getting closer to being time to go now and I'm feeling restless and still not talking to Elle. I see a boy from a previous dream and go sit with him on a balcony over looking a canyon with a water fall over a river.  

"Nice spot!" I say and he laughs.  

"Hey Tommy! You finally made it here huh." He laughs.  

"Yeah.. Where are you heading again er..." I can't remember his name. He tells me it's William. 

"You thought I was somebody else huh?" He asks disappointed.  

"No. I knew it was you but you look like someone else. A friend of mine I know but I've never met." 

"That would be why you were so excited to meet me the first time." He chuckles and I'm not sure if this helps him believe me or not. 

"So where are you going?" I ask.  

"Back to school on the next flight out. You're going to school too right?" 

"Yeah but not until all this mess at the rig clears up." 

"What if you fall behind on your degree?" He asks with his eyebrows knit in concern.  

"I'll just have to catch back up. It'll take some time but I'll do it. I have to." I say. Now right here is where some lines from my Block B story start spitting out. Where MinHyuk is telling YuKwon that he wants to give him things and provide for him. I'm saying the same things only about Elle. Saying how much I care about her, what she means to me, how I just want to be able to take care of her and give her a good life. 

She's been following me so she hears all this. I don't know she's there until our belts start beeping. The airport is under attack. 

A huge crash makes the whole place vibrate. I fall off the balcony and without a second thought Elle jumps off after me. We crash into the river and kick furiously to get above water. My walkie is going off as my team is asking for instructions. Elle and I make it to the shore and group up. The monsters are huge and awesome and I feel like such a boss as we're about to go kick some monster butt! Thats when my dream shows me the awesomeness of the beach and there are B2ST all getting ready to fight too! But then I wake up.

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