It's A Trap

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Haha hi again! Tommy here and last nights dream was kinda nerve wracking for me. For those of you who don't know I'm recently un-single and have a bf - Ji. He's really sweet really cute and in the military! OMG I know, what is it with me and these military guys haha

Well the dream started off in a city i've never dreamed about, San Antonio. My bestie -Jelly and I were waiting in our hotel room. It was a beautiful suite and we'd been there for a day or two already. So why then were we sitting around peeking out the windows anxiously awaiting Ji? Because he was on a mission and "taking care of business". So we'd been instructed by him not to leave the room until he made it back in an hour tops. We'd been waiting four.

So I was worried and for once in my dreams I am not my 16 yr old size 4 self but my 20 year old size 9 which is much more realistic than my dreams ever are but this is probably because I'm working hard to get that small again ha why is this important? Because now at age 20 I have physical limitations that I haven't always had in my dreams since in my dreams i'm usually 16. Following? 

I start going through Ji's stuff to find out where he might have gone and it's Jelly who finds the best clue. Ji has apparently been scoping out different places with a camera built into a watch. Haha super spy tech right?? Lol

So we head off to the closest building. Since we've been frequenting this particular building for some time a staff lady recognizes me and flags me down. She has on a coy and knowing smile that makes me smile also.

"Oh you did your Hubby make it back to you yet?" She asks and I put on a politely bewildered face. "I saw him in here earlier looking for something nice for you."

"Do you remember around what time he left?" I asked.

"Honestly no. But it had to have been around lunch when he walked in. I did see him go upstairs though when he was through." She said and we thanked her for her help and went on to the stairs hoping to find some sort of clue.

Sure enough we find signs of a struggle and there are a few men looking around who have yet to spot us. Jelly's got a good eye here because she manages to not only swipe something vitaly important to me (I'm not sure what, but he was wearing it when he left) and sees through a window one of the other buildings Ji's been scoping out. We sneak to the window and find an exit by way of the rooftops and make our way in the direction of the next building.

It's a large hotel/resort i've been dreaming about lately that has quite an extensive library i never get to visit ha. Once we're inside that building by means of yet another open window we follow the walls with the bullet holes hallway that overlooks a main lobby that has a great visiblity of all the upper floors and see that parts of the floor have been badly damaged as though small explosions had been going off. People are still milling about the resort down below but it's not obvious that they've noticed these explosions or any other suspicious activities going on. Jelly and I make our way down the hall and find ourselves having to really be careful not to let the floor crumble beneath our feet. Hand in hand we finally make it to the other end of the hall to an elevator. It opens and there's Ji

and i wake up

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2013 ⏰

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