A Concert With The Ex

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I had a dream earlier this week that must've been a subconscious me suffering from a wave of sadness that I'm the only Kpop lover in my home town.  

I used to work at United Supermarkets until recently. I made a lot of good friends and this is where my dream took place.  


I walked in and went to the customer service counter where the "supervisors" work because my other best friend Vi works there. Well once I get to the counter I still have to wait behind other customers. The customer I end up next to just so happens to look exactly like TaecYeon which is weird and a little depressing since Nickhun is my favorite from 2pm ha. Taec actually ranks second to last but I guess since I see him more-anyways- 

So he says hello and we make small talk. How ya been? Whatcha doin? 

Then I see something that catches my eye.  

BigBang phone cards! Weird I know but that's what my mind put there. So I jump and gasp and start making a big deal to him.  

"Omg I want these! I need these!" And he's laughing at me in a kind way. So he starts asking me who are they and joking with me saying things that all Kpop fans get asked:  

"What are they?" 

"A Korean Boy Band. They're amazing." 

"Korean? Are you Korean?" 


"Do you know Korean?" 


"Then why do you listen to them?" He asks. You know, all those condescending "you're a weirdo" questions they all ask. So I start to ignore him and start trying to figure out how much it would cost to get all the cards.  

That's when the. Building starts to change. We're still at a counter but above us is this Huge screen. Like a movie theater only bigger. Think University lecture auditorium only with a movie screen. I turn around and there is no more grocery store but people in rows and rows of seats. Some of them are there on field trips because of their matching shirts.  

"Hey" he says so I look at him.  

"I'm sorry. Don't be so sensitive." He says giving me a big hug. He doesn't let me go and I don't say anything which is unusual because I hate being touched. I can't let people hold me without getting sick.  

The lights go dim and the screen lights up with a flick.  

We take a few steps back and look up. The whole auditorium is going to watch a live streaming of a Kpop concert! I'm super happy and actually start to jump up and down. We scoot back but don't sit down which is ok since the screen is so high up.  

I look up at the guy holding me who is now Not TaecYeon but my ex bf. Needles to say I push him away and he doesn't really care. He's actually watching the show and enjoying it.  

My ex and I had one passion that kept our relationship going no matter how as long as it did, music. But it got really shitty. Too shitty. So of course seeing him happy in my dream is almost as gross to me as seeing him naked in real life was and believe you me, he's No Taec.  

It reminded me of all the concerts we went to after our relationship ended. He tried so hard to get back together back then. But just like back then, once the show was over I'd get myself lost in the crowd and run as fast as I could for my car.

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