Extra: New Year Special

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A/N: Happy New Year 2022 everyone! Here's a short chapter from their high school days. A little flashback from Zara's POV. I'm down to do more extras and specials in the future as this progresses! In the meantime, enjoy!

"Z, are you going to the party tonight?" Jimin asked, looking up from his book. The two of us were draped lazily over the couches in my parents' home theater. We were on winter break, and it was the night of the 31st.

The aforementioned party was being hosted by the vice captain of Jimin's soccer team... who didn't exactly like me.

"Well what about the Goldkaj CEO's party tonight? You think our parents would be fine just letting us go to a different party while they attend such a big one?"

Jimin clicked his tongue, "We can always just slip out... I have a car now."

I rolled my eyes and turned away, "You're just eager to go because your crush will be there. You don't need me to chaperone you."

He gasped indignantly and glared at me. I stuck my tongue out.

"Why, are you more likely to go if Eko goes?" He responded in annoyance.
I tinged pink and slammed the textbook in my hands shut. I just thought Eko was kind of cute and charming. He always dressed well and complimented me when we talked. So yea, maybe I'd developed a teeny tiny crush on him.

How did this fool even find out, and why did he keep rubbing it in and teasing me?!

"I don't care about Eko being there. Will you stop bringing him up? Do you even like him?"

Jimin was sitting up leaning towards me, and he was pouting like a child. His frown just deepened at my words, and he leaned back with a huff.

"I didn't really care about him. But nowadays he's starting to get on my nerves..."

I sighed impatiently, "And why is that?"

He closed his eyes as he lay back, giving a quick shrug.

That evening, as surely as he'd promised, he drove to the Goldkaj NYE party in his own car along, and as expected, about an hour in, he started tugging on my sleeve to get my attention to leave.

I turned to my mom with a sigh and batted my eyelashes at her, "Mommy dearest... uhh, would it be okay if Jimin and I went to a different party now?"

My mom twitched and turned to look at me in surprise, "You..." She looked at Jimin, who was sitting by me and batting his eyelashes too, and sighed, "alright, I suppose you two are at that age now. Be home on time, and no alcohol! Do I make myself clear?"

We nodded, thanked her, and quickly slipped away to Jimin's car. On the way to the party we belted Christmas music that had been stuck in our heads for the last week, but quickly turned it off as we reached his vice captain's driveway. We had to seem cool, after all.

We parked and walked in the door; the venue was entirely unchaperoned. The party inside was huge, it seemed like most of the people from our school and other neighboring private schools were present. Some college students who I recognized as alumni were also chilling inside, and I grimaced at the thought of ever going to a high schooler's party after graduating.

Jimin held my arm and pulled me towards the exit to the pool, where I could see his friends were.
"Hey Jimin! And..." the Vice Captain, Xiaowen, smiled slyly when he saw me lurking behind Jimin, "ah, if it isn't the Class President."

I smiled and shrugged, "Hey. Umm, I'm not Class President, though?"

"Really?" He snickered, as did another friend of his behind him. "I'm shocked. You seem like the type. We have drinks floating around, hope you won't snitch on us."

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