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Do keep in mind that my grammar is shit and I suck at writing neatly.


3rd POV

It was quiet in the forest, the sun was high in the sky and the breeze was quite calm. Grim eating dead meat with their cubs joining in, having small bites that their parents ripped off for them.

Humans and Faunus were working outside on small villages, as the big cities were far out, only seen as small toys in the distance.

Well, that was till three hours ago. A crater appeared and as soon as the military heard of it, soldiers surrounded that crater, a white-haired woman was in charge as she looked at the crater.

"Ms. Winter, I think you should see this, our satellite got this," Said a man holding a tablet, handing it to the woman called Winter.

Winter, a white-haired woman had a custom military uniform with her arms slightly exposed on the shoulder to the elbow. She had a blade in the side.

Winter takes the tablet, examining the image they had received. It was blurry so they couldn't make out the whole thing, but for sure Winter could make out the appearance of a man falling from portal.

"Get Ironwood on the coms. I think he would want to hear about this." Said Winter to the soldier on her side, who simply responded with a salute before heading off.

"Ironwood would most defiantly want to hear about this."


A loud sound like thunder could be heard as a man was falling from a portal... in the sky...hundreds of miles in the air...with a fatal wound on his side...while also passed out.

Luckily he regained consciousness before anything else could happen, he looks around unaware of where he is before he looks down as he sees the ground coming up to him fast. He jolts but screams in pain as the wound to his side leaked out blood, lots of blood. He clutches his side trying in some way to stop it, but invalid. The ground was getting closer, and he still didn't have a plan.

With no other option, he extends his palm out aiming at the ground. The ground got closer and was about to hit him, but before it could a bright yellow blast came out of his palm. He manages to stop himself from crashing but the sheer force of the recoil and sudden stop made him jerk around a bit with his wound opening up again.

He yells in agony as his hip hurts again, he lies for a bit in pain before getting up and looking around. He couldn't see much while falling but since he was on the ground now he had the perfect chance to look around.

...If there was anything to look at since the area around him had disintegrated into nothing but ashes and smoke. All but living surrounded the wounded man. Though it didn't faze him, he was more worried about the wound than the forest, he needed to find something that could stop the wound on his side, and fast. he limps away from the crater with an exhausted look.


"How did you find this?"

A man holding a tablet had asked seemed to be intimidated by the photo shown in front of him. The same one that Winter had seen, and he seemed to be in deep thought.

The man had a clean haircut with a tad of grey on the side, he wore a white commander uniform that had several medals on them. One of his eyebrows had a metal piece and so included his full arm metal, what happened to his arm is still unknown.

"It was taken by satellite sir, though we still can't identify the person." said winter as she was in an upright posture. "We can also inform that whatever it was, seemed to have made a large blast radiation in the area burning up to a 2-mile radius."

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