new friends

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After coming home from that long ass shift. You were mentally and physically dead. You arrived home at around 8:00 a.m. " my fucking life..thought I would be working at a spooky fucking pizza place!" You were irritated, tired, sad..

Walking in the kitchen, you needed something tasty. Getting two Pieces of white bread. Making a (think of a sandwich), and eating it in like 3 minutes.

After eating you jumped on your bed sighing. All you needed right now was sleep.

Going under the covers getting comfortable you slowly feel asleep.

Time skip~

You woke up to your annoying ass clock making its horrible sound. Lifting yourself up looking over at the time you read 10 p.m

Great. You basically only have like 30 minutes to get ready. So with that you darted to bathroom getting ready. Lastly putting some of your favorite perfume on you ran out the house and got in your car.

Time skip~

Getting out your car in a rush you slammed the door and started running to the entrance.

Bursting through the doors almost falling over. Looking up stopping right away. Seing your boss right in front of you with his arm crossed with an eyebrow raised.

"Good morning (y/n).right on time like usual" he spoke sarcastically then continued "fallow me to my office. I have some people for you to meet" he simply spoke

Standing up straight Dusting your off "Oh alright" you spoke now falling the man to his office.

As we arrived at his door we quickly opened it to show too way different people. One of them was a girl, Pale, lots of freckles and short dark red hair. With these piercing blue eyes

The other one was a guy. Fluffy black hair parted in the middle. Sharp jaw line with dark brown eyes. But he looked sorta...annoyed? Or in other words he looked mean

"This is Emily" Motioning to her., she looked at you with a smile giving you a tiny wave. "and this is jack" he then motioned to him, him just nodding with his lips in a straight line looking awkward.

"I just need you to take them where there supposed to go and settle them in"

"Alright no problem. Come on"
You looked at the two Emily getting up with a bright smile walking beside you. And Jack just getting up with a huff.

All three of you started walking off.
Feeling very awkward at the silence. you started a conversation.

"So Emily what do you have to do? You questioned looking up at her. She was pretty tall, Jack was too. But thats only because your short

"Oh I just clean up the daycare and make the pizzas for the next day, and sometimes clean the bathrooms..I'm just happy I get to work in the daycare. It's a nice place there" she explained looking at me with a small smile. She seemed nice. She was also very calm.

"Wow thats pretty cool, I've never been in the daycare before" you spokee truthfully shrugging.

"WHAT, really?, you have to come it's big bright and fun. And i used to babysit so I can handle some kids" she spoke calmly shrugging as well

"Well then ill just have to go sometime"


"So Jack, what about you?" You questioned looking up at the boy, only earning an annoyed look"I don't know, and I don't care. Ill just make a robot do my job. I just want the money" he snarled

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