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The lights one by one quickly shutting off. Looking around in a panic state.You looked towards freddy with a worried expression.

He reached if hand out for. But it was to late. The last light went off, makingthe hole play ground dark. The only light being the large screen at the desk that was poorly lit.

"Fr-freddy?" you whisper yelled looking around with big eyes. The only thing you heard was your heart pounding out your chest and your heavy breathing. Grabbing the flashlight on your waist Bringing it up fast. Flashing the light at the play grounds. "Emily?" you worried turning around fast and the noise of something small hit the floor. Turning around you stopped in place not knowing what to do.



"Naughty children, it's past your bed time~"

You froze..stopping in place. Your breath getting caught in your throat. Forgetting what you were even doing. Your face falling showing no emotion beside fear. Not even hearing your heart beat. You were frozen.

Looking to right, and to the left without moving your head. You saw nothing...

Slowly turning around Squeezing your eyes shut. Once you turned you hesitantly opened your eyes. thats when you saw it.

The rather lanky tall Animatronic with a moon as a face. But white eyes with with two red dots for pupils..
Looking down at you dew to the very noticeable height difference.

Slowly looking up at the Animatronic your eyes reached his. Looking at him with wide eyes.

He chuckled slightly.

"Well, well, well~ look what we have here!" he spoke in a Strange tone, his face still having that Mischivous grin, somehow growing bigger..

You took a step back, not wanting to deal with this shit. You were scared. Scared of what's gonna happen. Where's Emily and freddy? Who is this moon guy. And how do I get rid of him....? How were you gonna deal with this shit. Especially since everyone just magically disappeared!!

"Who....are you?" You questioned in a hushed tone.

"Your worst nightmare ahah-" he launched forward with his hands out. His sharp claw "AHHHHHHHH" started running backwards then quickly turned around to see where you were going. Looking everywhere you could hide your eyes landed on the tall play structure. Glancing behind you to see him not far behind. You ran into the jungle gym quick to go on your knees and crawl as fast as you can till you reached a tunnel. Stopping in the tunnel trying to catch your breath from running. And it was hard for you because..well because you were kinda lazy. A scratching noise was heard as if a claws were being dragged against a chock board. Putting your hand over your mouth to hide the heavy breathing. Staying as quiet as you could be.

Hearing the Animatronics heavy foot steps fade away you pulled out your fazz watch, quickly going on to message


-'(y/n) are you safe?? Where's freddy?'

-'I don't know. But I need you to listen to me.'


[A/n] I know this is not how you turn on the light but for now it's different. Pleasebear with me.]

-'I need you to sneak into the theater and into room 3 right beside the Projector there's a switch. Flip the switch and that will turn on the lights. But be careful, there are security bots everywhere there'

-'ok I will'

-'be safe'


♡𝐦𝐲 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 ♡ GLAMROCK FREDDY x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now