can i help you?

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You just now arrived at work checking your fazz watch the time reading 11:20 p.m. Fucking Christ.
The only reason of your lateness was because you slept it a little too late. Now about to suffer the consequences of being lectured by your boss.

Opening the doors preparing for the talk, but instead of seing your boss you saw Jack. Surprising you slightly.

He glanced at you crunching his nose in annoyance by your presence

"What?" He hissed at you.

"Where's boss?" You questioned harshly. Not giving a shit about how he sees you as a person. He doesn't deserve to know the good side of you. He's an ass hat.

"I don't know, he just texted me saying to replace him at the door" he shrugged looking back at the door.
"And why do you care, your always late anyway" he rolled his eyes scoffing slightly. Ooooh how bad you wanted to punch him straight in his jaw when he made stupid comments, but you couldn't. You had to be professional. Well...besides the last time that was different ok.

You chose to ignore his shady comment and go on to do your work.
You checked your watch seeing your tasks for the night

-make pizza

-take out trash

Oh alright, that's not that bad. But the trash part grossed you out. The way it smells, looks. everything. Garbage just mad you uneasy. But it's fine. Only thing you were looking forward to was seeing all your friends. Emily, freddy ect. Though you haven't seen Roxy in a while. You mentally noted that you gotta see her soon.

You walked into the main area. The smell of food filling your nose. And the sight of people slowly Starting to leave. You looked around observing everyone when you eyes landed of Emily chatting with Monty near the main stage.

You walked over to them waving people goodbye while on the way. Finally reaching them you spoke

"Hey what's up guys?, ah I've seen that you've too met"

"Yeah, well I gotta get to know everyone if I'm gonna work here" Emily said in a "duh" tone

"Yeah, hey Monty you know where freddy is?" you questioned checking you fazz watch

"Yeah I think him and Gregory are at the race way with Roxy and Chica"

"Oh ok, well I best be off. No funny business while I'm gone" you wicked at Emily who just playfully shoved your shoulder " (y/n)! " she chuckled with a red tint in her cheeks while Monty just chuckled in the background.


You walked into the race way seing roxy and Gregory getting suited up.
"Ah-AH Chica can you help me please" she pleaded desperately trying to reach her back to find the zipper "oh- yeah" she shuffled over to Roxy zipping it up

"Hey guys" you Waved coming to a stop. "(Y/N)!" Gregory basically yelled throwing him self onto you hugging your stomach. You hugged him back with a sigh. He was like a little brother you never had. It was  nice feeling like you have family. It kinda made up for your dad being an ass.
You rested your chin on the top of the boys head, you soon felt two big arm rap around you Squeezing you slightly. You lifted your head to see frddy with a warm smile.

"Awww- you guys didn't tell me were having a group hug!" Chica chirped running over to you guys dragging Roxy along. They both connected each other to the big hug. Freddy put his chin on the Top of your head leaning down Slightly. You sat there comfortably. With a smile on your face

Till suddenly you felt your feet list off the ground Gregory not it your arms anymore. Freddy picked you up holding you like a stuff animal. His cheek against yours with a big smile. You giggled rapping your arm around his neck. Freddy sighed  burrowed his face into your neck.

"Your so comfortable" you whispered in his neck giving him a tight squeeze. "Well I do give pretty good bear hugs" freddy chuckled. Feeling his hot breath on your neck made you shiver, Getting Goosebumps you felt your self getting red.

Stop it, hes just giving you a damn hug. He's just being friendly like he always is

"Your so warm" he breathed in a hushed town, your eyes grew wide.

Freddy took you by your armpits gently placing you down.
You Immediately put your face down trying to hide your red cheeks

"Ok Roxy let's race now!!" Gregory yelled jumping up and down with an excited expression.

Roxy and Gregory rushed over to the carts getting in there own one.

Roxys pov~

I glanced over to Gregory his eyes meeting mine. My smirk grew, knowing I was gonna win.
The bot started counting down.


I gripped on the staring wheel looking ahead


Adrenalin started to rush through my body feeling myself focus more.


I slammed my foot on the petal zooming forward "Hey that's not fair!!-" leaving Gregory in my dust, "Ahaha" I started to go faster putting more pressure on the petal. I glanced at my rear-view mirror checking for the boy. He was right behind me. Shit. I turned a sharp corner really fast almost making me tip over
"WOOO YOU GOT THIS" Hearing chicas voice bloom I felt more confident. "GO SUPERSTAR" freddy yelled obviously saying it to Gregory.
I  turned sharp corners making sure to slow down a bit.i was now going at a reasonable pace just chilling. My ears picked up something from right beside me, I looked over seeing  Gregory right beside me already looking at me.

"Oh Hey Roxy" he Innocently smiled waving at me. His foot Slamming on the petal making him room making a 'nyow' noise. "HEY!!" I yelled finely seing the finish line. I was so close but Gregory was closer. Pushing my foot against the petal making me go faster and faster. Slowly creeping up on Gregory, the finish line not that far.
Me and Gregory were side to side looking at each other with determination. Both of us going faster as the seconds went by.

The finish line was right there!!!.

At this point we were both going the fastest the car would drive.
The finish line right in front of us. I shut my eyes and kept driving.

I pressed the break petal. Holding to wheel for dear life almost flying out the cart.



Yeah :/

♡𝐦𝐲 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 ♡ GLAMROCK FREDDY x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now