Chapter One

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Author's Notes: At the end.



Late March 2012

Post Storm's 16th Birthday

"Tommy, do you have anything special planned this evening?" Nikki asked after Storm had left the table and disappeared into her room. It had been his turn to work during the afternoon while Tommy had cooked a meal for the three of them on his return from Sixxty9. Now dinner was finished Tommy was getting ready for work, leaving Nikki with Storm.

"Not especially," the younger man replied. "Only planning the usual run around the clubs to check-in. I wasn't gonna stay long anywhere. Why?"

"How'd you fancy a visit to Enslaved?" Nikki inquired, unable to restrain his grin at the look on his lover's face.

"Hell, YES!" he exclaimed happily. "What brought this on? It's been a while since we've been. But...what about Storm?"

"All sorted," Nikki reassured him. "Athena is coming over a bit later to stay with her-"

"I DON'T NEED A BABYSITTER, DADDY!" Storm yelled from her room. "I'm sixteen now!"

Nikki glanced up to the first floor and saw the door to Storm's room was open. "Tough luck, kiddo!" he yelled back. Storm groaned as loud as thunder and slammed her door closed.

"As I was saying...," Nikki continued, ignoring their teenager's angst, "Athena will stay overnight to make sure Storm gets to school tomorrow before she goes to work. I booked the latest appointment available at Enslaved but since we don't need to worry about getting up in the morning, we can take our time and play a little."

"Fucking Brilliant!" Tommy exclaimed. "I didn't think we'd be going again before Richie and Jon's visit next month. You did promise to introduce them to the joys to be had there."

"I know and we are taking them this time, it's all booked for the first week of Spring Break when Thena and Storm are away. And well, tonight's's not all pleasure," Nikki explained. "I've had their specialist designers working on something a little different for my Street Rat and his Loverboy."

"Oooh, do tell," Tommy said, almost bouncing in his excitement as he pulled on his boots.

"I've ordered a new type of bondage cuff that they might be able to use." Nikki hesitated before adding, "You know that neither of them can handle the regular ones."

Tommy soberly nodded his acknowledgement. Nikki was aware that, from what little he and Jon himself had told him over the years, Tommy did not underestimate their issues.

"So...I've asked them to design custom made quick release cuffs. They have a panic clip built-in so the sub can free himself from bondage at any time without needing to ask or wait for the Dominant's assistance. They've made a prototype they're ready to demonstrate, and I need a willing victim to test them." Nikki raised an eyebrow, saying, "I told them I'd bring my own."

Tommy nodded again, this time with much greater enthusiasm. "You know I'm always willing to help you, babe."

"Plus I was hoping to use you as a measure for size for Richie. You and he both have those huge dinner plate hands, while Jon is more my size," Nikki explained, holding up his hand and allowing Tommy to place his larger span, palm to palm.

"Yeah, your hands are so tiny," Tommy laughed as Nikki grabbed his wrist, pulled his lover's hand towards him and brushed a kiss across the knuckles.

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