Right Now Is All That Matters

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After a shit ton of explaining, we set off to the hotel where the party was going to be at.

Unfortunately, I had to sit in the back of the van with all of the equipment because there were only four seats. Both Cliff and Kirk offered to sit back there instead of me, but I told them I'd be fine.

I didn't know how bad it would be, though. Whenever we turned, drums would go flying. I'm surprised my head didn't get taken off by the snare drum.

When the door opened, I climbed out as fast as I could.

"You still alright?" Kirk asked me.

"Yeah." I said. "I almost died, but I'm okay.".

"Y'know, I could've sat back there.".

"No, it's fine.". I grabbed one of the drums out of the back of the van. "Let me help you guys take all of this inside.".

I helped the guys take their equipment into the hotel and set up on the stage. It took us a while, but it's always nice when you're finally done setting up for a show.

"Alright, time to do a soundcheck!" James said into the microphone. They played Master Of Puppets, and I went right to.the front of the stage, resting my elbows on it. It was fucking loud and I could feel it in my body, but I loved it. It made me feel alive.

I stared up at Cliff the whole time. I only had eyes for him, and I only ever would.

When they finished, I clapped for them.

"Sounding awesome, guys!" I said.

"Thanks." James said.

"Sarah, do you want to play a song?" Cliff asked me.

"You'd let me?" I asked.

"Of course. Get up here, babe.".

I climbed onto the stage and Cliff handed me his bass. He leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Gross." Lars said from behind his drum kit.

Cliff flipped him off and hopped off the stage.

"What song?" Lars asked me.

"Can we do For Whom The Bell Tolls?" I asked excitedly, pulling a guitar pick out of my pocket.


"One, two, three, four!" James counted us in. I played the intro the way Cliff taught me. He had taught me how to play bass. Although I knew I could never be as good as him.

We went on with the outro for a while, we were all having a lot of fun. And Kirk was doing some crazy stuff with his wah pedal.

When we finally did end, we headed backstage.

The first thing that happened back there was James cracking open a beer. You see, I liked James. But I fucking hated his alcoholism. It was destroying him, and it showed. Kirk, Lars and Cliff drank, too, but James definitely was the worst about it.

"Want a beer?" he asked Cliff.

"No, not right now." Cliff replied.

"Sarah, what about you?".

Sitting on Cliff's lap and clinging onto him tight, I glared at James. "No, James." I stood up. "Come with me for a second. Cliff, I'll be back in a minute.".

Cliff nodded, and me and James walked out onto the stage.

"Okay, look I know you have a bad alcohol problem." I said, lowering my voice.

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