Author's note

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( ⬆️ Here's a picture of Cliff because I love him and he was fucking awesome.)

If you read this whole thing, thank you! I hope you enjoyed it.

So, here's a bit of background info on this story. I wrote it mainly about Cliff Burton, but I didn't really write it about him

One summer, I signed up for a really fun music camp. My hope was to find other people who wanted to start a band. 

Well, I didn't find that. But I did fall in love. The guy I fell in love with, he was basically Cliff Burton 2.0. Seriously. He had long brown hair, brown eyes, and he played the exact same model of Rickenbacker. If rebirth is real, I swear, this guy was Cliff Burton.

There were a few reasons why I liked this guy. First of all, he was a really good bass player. He was probably one of the best bass players I've ever heard, and as a bass player myself, I found that a major turn on. Second, he liked dogs. If I'm gonna be with a guy, he better like dogs. Third, he was actually a really funny guy. And lastly, I just had a gut feeling that he was a good person. 

I'd see this guy every week at rehearsal, and it seemed like every time that I saw him I fell in love with him more. Of course, the music program we were in didn't last forever. 

So after, we would occasionally contact each other over social media. We sent each other memes, and I even shared some pretty deep secrets with him. Even though I didn't know him super well, I could be completely honest with him, and I trusted him.

We hadn't seen each other for about five months when I decided to tell him about my feelings for him. So, I sent him this big, long, message about how I was in love with him. I'd never told any guy I liked him ever before, so I was nervous. But I also had nothing to lose, and I thought that it would be best to just tell him.

Well, it turned out this guy was gay. He broke my heart, but I instantly forgave him, because he didn't choose to be gay. That's just the way he is, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with the way he is.

He was actually really nice about the rejection, though, and we're still friends. But we'll never be what I wish we could've been.

I wrote this story based on how I felt about him, and what I wished our relationship could've been. What Sarah and Cliff had in the story is what I wish me and the guy I fell in love with could've had.

Cliff made Sarah feel like no one else could make her feel, and that's how I felt about the guy I fell in love with. I'll probably never see him in person again, and he took a piece of me that I know I'll never get back. When Cliff died, this happened to Sarah.

In my stories, I always try to incorporate myself into the main character, and I try to incorporate people I know (or even insecurities/fears) into the other characters. And I sometimes try to write events in my stories based on my own experiences. (This is especially true for this story and another one I wrote called Sex and Drugs and Rock'n'roll.)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my story! :)

Please note that I put out a sequel to this. It's called "End of Passion Play", and it's about Sarah's life with James. If you enjoyed thsi one, please read it!!

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