Chapter Six

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That Night I Bathed & Stayed Up Until The Next Morning, I Got Out Of Bed When Daylight Rose Outside I Did My Daily Hygienes & Got Dressed In A Blue Crop Top, Some Joggers With My Blue & Black Sandals. The Boys Awoke & I Let Them Go Brush Their Teeth & Stuff & Then I Got Them Dressed. I Told King To Go Get All Of His Suitcases & Bring Them To Me, He Had About 5 Suitcases, iPacked All Of His Clothes & The Clothes Ja'Marion Had. I Didn't Feel Like Talking To Za'Marion I Had No Words For Him. I'll Just Buy Ja'Marion Some Clothes.

After I Packed Their Clothes & Shoes I Packed Mines. I Loaded The Trunk & Put The Boys In Their CarSeats & As I Bagged Out Of The DriveWay I Saw Za'Marion Looking Out The Window, Take A Good Look Cause You Probably Won't See Us Again. I Drove To My Job & Quit, I Got All Of My Money I Had Stored In My Locker & We Were On Our Way To Memphis. No, I Wasn't Running Away From My Problems, But I Just Want A Change In My Life From All Of This Pain.. I'm 19, iM Damn Near Still A Baby Raising Two Babies. But, Because Of Za'Marion I Had To Grow Up Super Early & I Have No Family, They're All Against Me. In This World Alone, With Nobody.

- We Made It To The Memphis & The Boys Were Knocked Out Of Course, So When We Arrived At Our Hotel, iHad To Carry Both Of Them To Our Pent House Before Coming To The Car To Get Out Bags. I Had The Key Already Because This Was Always My Getaway Hotel.

But To My Surprise I Had A Neighbor.. Just Us Two On The 18th Floor.. I Wonder Who iS It? I'll Find Out Soon. I Layed The Boys In The Bed While I Undressed & Turned The Tv On. I Soon Dozed Off.

- Next Morning
I Had So Much On My Mind LastNight, I Barely could sleep. I didn't get much sleep & I didn't feel like cooking this morning either. After the boys and I had showered, I dressed them in a plain white polo shirt with a black horse, their black Levi's with their low top concord 11s. I dressed kind of like them but I had on black polo kind of booty shorts with white & black polo socks & my Concords, I Just Threw hair into a high messy bun & put on some clear lip gloss. Once I was settled me & the boys were headed to the elevator & some man bumped into me..
"My bad.. Sorry." He said while glancing from his phone.
"It's okay." I said before walking away.

Once we got into the car zags boys begged me to play "Fetty Wap - My Way" & I swear they sung this whole song about 50 times!
Once we are at the iHop, we were about to get our day started.

"Do much guys want to go to the park? Or something today?" I asked the boys.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" They both yelled.
"Okay,Okay. Stop yelling." I said while driving to the park.

- at the park. -

The boys went to play while I sat on the bench and watched them. My mind was just so drained from all the problems I've been having. The fact that Za'Marion didn't care about Ja'Marion staying with me possibly forever. Having a miscarriage, Losing a close friend, having no close family, no mother to care for me, and to top it all off I'm in this world Alone. Not realizing I was crying, a man tapped on my lightly, it was the same man from the hotel.

"Are you okay?" He asked
"I'm fine, thank you." I said before getting up & telling the boys to come on.

I drove to the hotel thinking hard, while the boys sung along to the songs coming onto the radio. Once we pulled back up to the hotel, I got my purse, my phone, & keys while the boys got out. I grabbed both of their hands & we walked into the hotel. We got onto the elevator & I pressed the 18th floor button. Once we got onto our hall I let them run free & play.

- 12:45 in the night -

I got out of bed, to go get something out of my car, I grabbed my keys & stepped into my house slippers, the boys were sound asleep so I locked the door when i exited. I heard yelling across the hall, but that wasn't my business.

Once I Came back from my car, I heard sniffling in the corner of the hallway. I walked over to the girl who Layed onto the floor & cried.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked the girl, as I stooped down next to her.

"Nooooooo." She cried.

I helped her up & let her come in my penthouse.
She was so beautiful, she looked pregnant & she had a bloodied nose & a swollen lip, I immediately grabbed some ice & put it into a zip lock bag & handed it to her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her.

"My fiancé, h-he ch-cheated on me with several w-women, every time one of th-the women makes him an-angry he takes it out on me. And now my tests came back from the clinic & h-he gave me a std & I had a miscarriage due to m-me con-constantly falling onto the floor hard everytime he hits me." She Said crying her eyes out.

I hugged her. & just let her cry.

"I recently had a miscarriage also, my ex boyfriend he got me pregnant when I was 15, him & I had been together since I was 13, he was 16 at the time. He broke my virginity and every since then he had me wrapped around his finger I guess. But when I turned 15 I ended up pregnant, my mom started to abuse me while I was pregnant & she nor my other family wanted anything to do with me, so I had to grow up early super early. My ex boyfriend he always gave me money and things but I never spent it I always put it into a shoe box for hard times. He sold drugs & some people were out to get him over some money or something & one day everyone told me he got shot & killed. So I moved away & started my life with my son. I started a job at Magic City, & one day I saw this guy who looked just like him & after awhile I figured out it was him. Ive went through hell & back. Trust me I understand what your going through. If he can't stop cheating on you let him go & I ain't trying to tell you something that'll hurt you because everything I'm saying I done been through. But seriously it can get more serious than just a Std there's a lot of aids & diseases floating around & he could give you something worse than what he's already has." I said crying with the girl. We sat there crying with EachOther, having a moment every hurting soul could relate to.

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