X. Genie in a Bottle (Pt. 2 of 3)

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The sound of splashing mixed with delighted squeals met my ears as I climbed up the steps to the yacht's pool, and I grinned at the sight before me. No less than six drop-dead gorgeous babes in bikinis turned to smile at me as I approached, each biting their lips and striking coy poses as I sat down on the rim.

"Helllllooooooo Mr. Hammond," they said as one.

"Hello ladies, I thought maybe you could use a little company."

"Of course, Mr. Hammond!" cooed a busty blonde near the front, "In fact, the other models were thinking of having a match of nude volleyball, if you'd care to join-"

She cut off at the sound of running feet slapping against the yacht's luxurious wood, turning just in time to see a woman in an olde-tyme bathing suit and a scuba mask leap into the pool with a cry of "cannonball!" Water went everywhere, and I coughed as the new arrival surfaced to reveal herself as Shyara.

"Swannnnnnky! You sure know how to make a good dream boat, Larry!"

The bikini babes, makeup ruined and hair disheveled, threw up their hands and exited the pool in a huff. One threatened me to never dream about her again while another said I'd be hearing from her lawyer. I watched them go as everything faded to white, only to find my view obscured by a generous rear-end.

"Schy-air-uh, geddof muh fwase." I mumbled through booty cheeks.

"Whoops! Sorry, I roll over in my sleep. But that was a real good dream you had just now, bet it makes you want to wish on a genie and make it a reali- ah!"

Shyara cut off as I assaulted her with my pillow.

"What's the point of me sleeping on the couch if you just end up joining me in the middle of the night?!" I shouted as feathers fluttered down, "You were so insistent that I not do anything to you, so you can't just... wait, are those my clothes?"

Shyara tried to deny it, but the t-shirt with the monster truck splashed across it possessed the same hole near the collar as the one in my closet. I called Shyara out on her deception, only for her to get huffy with me.

"I have to figure out what's in vogue right now," Shyara said as if that was super obvious, "It's been decades since my bottle rolled next to a fashion magazine, y'know."

I opened my mouth to remind her she could've just asked, only to go slack-jawed as she turned around. My bicycling shorts had been mortally stretched and would never fit me again, but I couldn't suppress that traitorous "worth it!" that welled up in my head at the view their noble sacrifice afforded me.

"And after I went to the trouble of making you waffles," Shyara said, snapping me back to reality, "Without magic too! Do you know how hard that is for a genie?"

A strange burnt smell met my nostrils, and I bolted upright to find the kitchen had been transformed into a warzone. Bits of waffles batter clung to every surface, and a haze of smoke had mercifully failed to trip the detector as it wafted through the apartment. I turned to stare at Shyara as she stepped forward with the fruit of her labor, a blackened pile of... something decked with syrup and a strawberry.

"Granted, it's not going to win any culinary prizes, but if you dig in, I think-"

Shyara cut off as the smoke detector went off after all, and foul-smelling water doused everything I owned. The stream dried up after a minute, leaving the two of us standing there dripping in silence until my temper could take no more.

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