XII. Abduction (Pt. 1 of 3)

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I awoke with a cough, shivering as my hands groped around for my lost blanket. I was dimly aware that my mattress was far harder and slicker than it usually was, but it was only when I sat up and looked around that I realized something was wrong with my room: namely, it was completely devoid of furniture.

I tried to roll off my bed onto the floor, but for some reason my body wasn't responding right. I could move a little bit, but then everything would lock up. It was almost like I was suffering sleep paralysis, or...

"Good. You are awake, human female."

I started at the words that popped into my head, but whip around as I did, I failed to spot anyone else in the room but me. A creeping feeling of fear trickled down my spine as my sluggish memory finally kicked in. I remembered a distant rumbling as my bedroom shook, followed by a bright light and the sensation of floating horizontally. But that couldn't be right, not unless I'd been-

Bright fluorescent lights kicked on above me, searing the image of my dark brown fingers into my eyelids as I tried to shield my face in panic. This couldn't be what I thought it was. They didn't exist, they were just a science-fiction delusion.

"Do not be afraid. No harm will come to you. We will conduct a few experiments, then return you to your domicile with no memory of this incident."

"Put me back! I don't want to be part of your creepy experiments!" I shouted. "Go probe someone else, you alien freaks!"

"This is for the good of your species. Do not resist us."

Through teary eyes, I was just able to make out the silhouette of tentacle arms ending in claws erupt from ports in the walls. I tried to defend myself, but there were too many of them, and before I knew it, they'd encased me in some glowing blue sphere.

"Let the record state that Subject 970652 required a restraining sphere."

"Noted." Thought another voice inside my mind. "Proceeding to first experiment."

I pounded against the sphere with everything I had, but that only succeeded in making my hands feel strangely numb. I collapsed on my back, inhaling the faint lilac scent of my pajamas as the tentacles began passing me out the room and down a hall. It was difficult to see out the blue haze of energy, but it looked like I was being taken to some manner of viewing area.

Or maybe I wasn't. Maybe I wasn't being abducted by aliens at all. I'd eaten that two-week-old casserole for dinner, so it was entirely possible that this was just a bizarre dream brought on by mom's usual over-spicing and food hoarding. Yeah. Soon enough I'd be waking up in my own bed like none of this ever happened.

The sphere popped, and I plopped down onto a shockingly plush couch. The tentacles retracted into the walls, leaving me to wrinkle my nose at the alarming amounts of pink that surrounded me from shaggy floor to heart-patterned ceiling.

"According to our research, this room will make you feel a sense of comfort, human female. Please relax and prepare yourself for the experiments."

I dragged a hand through my shock of puffy curls as I took in the kitschy décor. There was enough pink in this room to make a six-year-old girl sick, never mind a high-school senior with urban tastes.

"Yeah... right." I said dully. "What are you going to do to me anyway?"

"We will not be doing anything directly. We will merely observe once the human male is introduced into this room."

Memoirs: A BWWM Fantasy/Sci-Fi CollectionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ