XI. Genie in a Bottle (Pt. 3 of 3)

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I winced as I came up to the car, hearing my past self's pathetic attempts to lip-sync to some song about how much life sucks. I'd been so entitled back then that I really thought sponging off rich parents was a miserable existence, that society had somehow cheated me out of living my own life or something like that.

It was time to give the old me a reality check.

"Hey kid, you got a minute?" I asked.

Past Me ignored me, choosing instead to turn up the stereo as the singer with a bad head cold growled into the mike. I sighed loudly and slid into the passenger seat, pulling out the keys from the ignition as I did. No small feat considering the mechanism was busted and you had to turn them just right.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Past Me said, outrage turning to worry as I palmed the keys and glared at him, "and how do you know how to get those out?"

"Let's just say we're related," I said in my best Biff Tannen voice before getting serious, "As to your first question, I'm here to convince you to stay in school."

"What... what makes you think I'm gonna drop out?"

I took everything I had not to roll my eyes. I'd never been a good liar, and the way Past Me's eyes darted away might as well have been a signal flare. I took a deep breath, trying to ignore the copious amounts of body spray coming off my younger self.

"I'm a mind reader, kid. Just one of the many scary hobo powers at my disposal. Your parents are separated and throwing money at you to get you on their side, but that's going to change come New Years. And that goes double for Tashawna."

"Hey, she loves me, dude! She's real, not like- whoa..."

Past me went slack-jawed and his eyes zipped up and down, and I turned to find Shyara behind me. But it wasn't Shyara as she'd been a moment ago. Instead of bed-head and a dingy t-shirt and shorts combo, she wore a plush black hoodie and leggings that were both sophisticated and sensual. Her hair was now silky smooth and fell all the way to her breasts, which bulged twice as large as Tashawna's.

"Hey babe, what's taking you so long?" she said, voice a throaty whisper that caused blood to rush from my head to a more delicate area, "You promised you'd talk this kid around in under five and get back to making out with me."

Shyara's engorged purple lips made a heart-stopping pout, forcing my brain to reboot as I confirmed that she was the same genie I'd found in the bottle. I hadn't really thought about it, but it did make sense that she'd be able to change her appearance at will... and that provided us with an opportunity.

"Th- this your girlfriend, dude?" Past Me managed to say.

"Oh no." Shyara said, showing off gem-studded ring, "I'm his fiancé."

"You're my-? I mean, yes, that's right, kid!" I said, turning back to my younger self, "We, uh... met in college and struck it rich on the internet. And stuff."

Even Past Me wouldn't have fallen for such an obvious lie if he hadn't been distracted by Shyara's... energetic motions as she gave me a massage. Not that I blamed him; it was taking everything I had to concentrate on the conversation instead of the massive pillows pushing into the back of my head.

"But to go to college and meet hotties like this, you have to concentrate on your studies and finish high school. Good grades, that sort of thing."

Past Me's faced scrunched as his libido wrestled with his inner slacker, but Shyara was on top of things again. With a loud pop, her hoodie's zipper broke, showing off twin ebony hills as she squealed with embarrassment. My younger self snapped to attention, firing off a salute as a lone tear rolled down his cheek.

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