8. Gotta survive

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"I see the river!" Deiji says, as soon as she spots the river. "Left or right?" She asks.

"Right," Hoseok says.

They reach the river and take a right on the bank. When they do, they don't realise that there is a thin film of lasers that they have passed through. They don't look back as they run.

"Ugh, I can't. I can't," Deiji halts. Hoseok looks at her, sweat dripping from his side buns. "We can't stop now," he says. "I think I'm having contractions," she puts a hand under her belly.

"Oh no," Hoseok holds her hand. He looks back and around him. He is surprised not to see any robots.

"Don't move," a voice comes. "Hold your hand up."

Hoseok holds his hand up and hisses when he feels a sharp pain on it.

"Clear, hold your hand up, miss," the voice says again. Deiji holds her hand up and waits for them to do their job.

"Both of them are clear. Hoseok and Deiji, right?" The voice asks. "Yes," Hoseok answers.

"You can turn around."

They both turn around. Deiji struggles to hold her pain in. "I think I'm having contractions," she says.

"Suji, assist her to the medical van," he says. "I'm Yoongi, second in command of this base camp. Welcome to the camp," he says.

"The robots were chasing us," Hoseok says as he watches a nurse assist Deiji to the medical van. "I know. This camp is protected with laser beams that rips the androids apart. That's why they stay away from this part of the woods," Yoongi says.

"Ah, I was part of the Jiri base camp. All of them moved on to this camp. I believe Namjoon is still the commander here?"

"You are right, Hoseok. He is. He has been waiting for you," Yoongi smiles.

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