The feelings and the child.

418 19 18

Author's note:
Hi again! I know I may have a really bad cold and should probably be resting-
I decided to push past that and make another part of this!
And I figured that the title of part two did not make sense-
But it was meant to be ranboo's feelings developing for tubso-
On with the story!

Ir€n€'$ POV:

I felt a disruption of the peaceful I looked behind me and I spotted ranboo standing there.
I waved at him and yet again signalled for him to sit down next to me.
He did so and looked up at the sky.
He smiled and I got a weird my stomach..
I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked down to try and hide it..
This could be because of the weather today but..I wasn't sure if I..had feelings for him-?
It sounds weird..I know..I've only known him for...i think 2 years now..but it feels like I've known him since i was little..
I shrugged it off and began looking at the pond that laid in the gardens.
I spotted a duck and it came up to me,climbing into my lap.
I smiled slightly and began to stroke it calmingly..
It was soft..
I looked over to where ranboo was sitting and realised he was looking right back at me, smiling..
My cheeks..yet again..heated up and I looked away out of embarrassment..
I heard him laugh, it sounded so melodious and relaxing..
I looked back at him and he was just dying of laughter..
I poured and made a "hmph" sound turning my back to him and carried of petting the duck in my lap.
He stopped laughing and pulled me back so I was..LAYING IN HIS LAP!?
((The duck is not lying on her/his chest))
My cheeks were ruby red at this was visible aswell because he looked down at me..
I brought my hands up to my face to hide all the blush..
He pulled them away and gave me a quick peck on the forehead-
I blushed even more.
I stuck my tongue out at him and he simply just placed his finger on it ((he's wearing gloves dw -Zenith))
He giggled ever so slightly because of my reaction and I simply just sat up and pouted-
Facing away from him completely and moving a bit further from him.
Not to be rude but to try and comprehend what just happened and to calm down-
He scooted closer to me and wrapped his hands round me,like a hug but from behind..
"Awww~ you're blushing so much princess." He said,smirking afterwards.
I simply just ignored it and it got to the point where the duck left from my lap and went back to the pond.
Ranboo still had his arms wrapped around me..and it didn't look like he was gonna let go so I decided to be an idiot and try escape from it-
I failed obviously and he placed me on his lap.his grip tightening more.
"You're being very clingy now." I said, sort of wondering why he was like this.
((Clingy-boo?? -Zenith asks very curiously))
"And?" He replied "you seem to like it" he said referring to me relaxing in his embrace.
"Touché" I replied, getting what he was referring to and continued to enjoy his warm embrace.
We stayed like that for a little longer until I heard some baby crying from some of the bushes.
I scrambled my way out of ranboo's embrace and went over to the bushes..
As soon as I got there I spotted a little piglin crying..
I picked it up with a blanket ((duh -Zenith))
and headed back to where ranboo was..
He seemed shocked at first but soon relaxed.
I cradled the child in my arms..making sure he wasn't hurt aswell.
We settled on the name Michael seeing as it was a boy.
We headed inside and told my father that we had spotted a baby in the bushes and asked to take care of him together.
He agreed but on one condition.
I had to be with ranboo/marry ranboo
I agreed to that condition obviously
((The father is fully supportive of tubs being trans and supports his relationship with ranboo -Zenith))
((THEY'VE KNOWN EACH OTHER FOR TWO YEARS NOW SO DON'T SAY HE'S RUSHING IT! We all know they love each other so shush -Zenith))
Me and ranboo headed to my bedroom.
Me carrying Michael in my arms.
Father said ranboo could stay in my room with Michael and me and that he had ordered a worker to build a crib for Michael.
I set Michael on the bed and went to my private bathroom
I looked at myself in the mirror..
Realising I didn't feel like myself..
I grabbed scissors and began cutting my hair to a more shorter ((boy-ish girl-)) length
((Scissors in the bathroom?- -Zenith asks yet again..very curiously))
I walked into my closet to get changed.
((She/he took off her/his binder -Zenith))
Since I had no prince nightwear((or pyjamas-)) I wore one of mine
Her nightwear:

((She/he took off her/his binder -Zenith))Since I had no prince nightwear((or pyjamas-)) I wore one of mineHer nightwear:

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I walked back into the bedroom, Ranboo holding Michael in his arms

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I walked back into the bedroom, Ranboo holding Michael in his arms.
He looked up at me and I could see blush form at his cheeks..which I found sort of adorable-
I sat next to ranboo and he handed me Michael.
He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I responded by giving him one back.
We both laid down on the bed and went to sleep, Michael in between us.
Hope you guys enjoyed this!
Love you all ((friendship)) <3
Remember to take care of yourselves and credit yourself for all the amazing things you have done!
See you all in the next part!

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