chapter 4 - oh no

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I quickly make my way up the steps pulling out my phone going to Google maps . I take the last step and im in the drive way . Quickly make my way other to the gate I hear a voice . FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

"Where you off to " laughing ... HES LAUGHING AT ME .

I turn around to see black curls , bagging clothes and a cigarette in his hands ... its calum hes learning against the wall outside the door. 

"Just getting fresh air why " I raise a eyebrow trying to play dumb. Acting like 2 seconds ago I wasn't legging it across the drive way .

"Didnt seem like it" hes smile and chuckle raising an eyebrow back walking across the drive way over to me . He looks down at my phone towering over me , WHY ARE THESE MEN ALL SO TALL I stand about 5 foot 2 and I feel like them could pick me up and throw me into a wall.

"Aaaaaa looking for a new vape or something" he chuckles , hes obviously playing with me but it making me so annoyed . I forgot I had the map open on my phone infront of me as I quickly pull my phone out of his sight and put it behind my back .

" I dont vape " I giggle playing along with his joke hopeing he will leave me alone .

"You know dont think luke and sierra would be too happy if they knew you where sneaking out . You do know La is dangerous at night " he so close to me I can see every detail on his face and my god hes gorgeous... annoying but gorgeous.. im so zoned out of what hes saying by how close he is to me that he is stilling talking and im not listening.

"Taylor .. TAYLOrrrr .. earth to Taylor." He snapping his fingers in my face. "What" I say in a daze 
"You zoned out jesus" he chuckles with a smile .
With out even know it im smiling back looking down at the ground feeling embrassed that he just caught me staring at him .

"So where you off to " calum says looking down on me .

Feeling like a 5 year old by the heigh difference and him making fun of me ,i get defensive.
"Not any of your business" I say in a more agitated tone. Starting to sound like a 6 year old brat.

"Really now because I can walk back in the door and tell luke and sierra you where sneaking out to god knows where" he says smirking.

"Do then -" i say smirking back . It kinda feels like hes flirting but I dont wanna get ahead of myself hes like 26 and im 17 im a minor its wrong.

He gave me a questioning look like he was expecting me to give up and tell him.

"- because I have a feeling they won't really believe you because I said I was going to the bathroom for fresh air-"
He cuts me off
"- so the bathroom is outside now" he looks around the garden playing up on his joke and turns back to me laughing.

I stutter and trying to think of a way out of this one ... ok that was stupied I have to say . I was trying to sound smart and cool but that backfired.

"I - i- mm- I- You know what I mean " rolling my eyes.

He still laughing towering over me , hes like a annoying little brother I swear I could just punch that face of his .

He lifts up is cigarette to his mouth and inhales it . "How bout we get back inside and we will forget all about this " he smiles taking a step back from me.

Omg he's acting like im some 10 year old im 18 in a couple months I can do what I like.

"You won't tell luke though right"
I'm still standing in the same spot ready for his answer.
"Only if you promise not to try sneak out again" he raises his brow.

"Noppee" I say dragging it out the 'p'

There 2 things i can do right now

1. Go in the door with him risk luke being suspicious how I ended up outside and being asked a million questions and it being 50/50 if calum covers for me or not.

Or ...

2. The second he turns to the door to go inside I leg it .. run as fast as I can down the street . He wont see it coming ... luke will find out but ill stay out for the night and smoke , deal with all the trouble I'm in tomorrow...


Fuck it , he turns to walk back inside , I turn and run out the gate down the street .

"TAy- Taylor WHAT THE HELL" I hear yelling from behind me I just keep running turning the corner still running.


"TAy-Taylor WHAT THE HELL" I hear calum shout from the half open front door , hes running back out . What the hell , Taylor? What? i start to panic wonder what the hell has happened to her and why the hell she's outside.

I run staight out the front door to see calum at the gate with his hands up in the air like he has just been defeated.
"What going on calum?!" I say in a panic looking around for Taylor.

I got so caught up talking I wasn't even paying attention to the fact Taylor had gone to the bathroom 10 minutes ago and hadn't come back .

"She bloody ran off-" "SHE WHAT" before calum had even finshed i was screaming not in anger put panic , a 17 year old out in the middle of the night in LA im beyond scared I should been paying attention omg I must be the worst foster parent ever. Its been 3 days and iv already messed up. Running my hand through my blond curls calum snaps me out my panic and stress.

" I caught her sneaking out the side steps with Google maps open for some nicotine shop and she said she would go back inside with me but the second I turned around she ran" calum rants quickly to get staight to the point .

In a panic I pull out my keys in my pocket quick running into get sierra , quickly explaining to her whats happen with taylor as calum stands behind me . Apologising to ashton and his girlfriend as I rush out the door to the car with sierra and calum following me.

Editor note:
Please tell me what you think of the story so far and if there anything I should change or work on cuz its my first story xx

2022  - Adopted by Luke hemmings and sierra deaton Where stories live. Discover now