Chapter 5 - the diner

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I ran about 5 minutes and then started slowing down , the town is only about a 15 minute walk away from what google said but anytime i seen a car or heard voices i would hide in someone garden or behind bins . I had seen lukes car go by only 3 minutes ago but it was dark out so there was no way to see me behind a bush .

The whole way from ashtons house to the town its just house after house ...

I finally got to the town its big but mostly coffee shows and fast food places .

My phone has been blowing up with Sierra and lukes number with calls and texts.
There no way i can go to to any smoke shops right now , if calum is with them he would of told them what i was planning and made there way to everyone around here .

I walk down the street with less of a guard up now , theres an old diner open with not many people in it an old couple having tea and a couple and there daughter sharing chips and milkshakes but they both where getting up to leave .

I open the door to the diner and there a ding on top of it to signal someone has came in. I make my way over to a booth on the left side of the shop sliding in to the 2 last one facing the door.

"What can i get you dear" a waitress with shiny blond hair in a tight bun about in her 30s asks me with a notepad and pen in hand

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"What can i get you dear" a waitress with shiny blond hair in a tight bun about in her 30s asks me with a notepad and pen in hand .

"Just a water please thanks"

I watch her walk away as i hear the bell of the door ring , wiping my head around is see a group of teens my age maybe a year older make there way in messing and play fighting . It was only me left in the diner so i was happy to see i wasnt the only person.

Theres a short curvy girl with wavy light brown hair in a black bennie with a baggy jumper and jeans on , a tall scrawny boy with plan black clothes with fluffy black hair with a cigarette behind his ear , another tall boy with blonde hair more built than skinny whos holding a girl with tanned skin and chin lenght black hair and a fringe.

They make there way to the both in front of me by the window . There all laughing and pushing each other as they sit down gossping. I feel like a creep watching them so i move my gaze to my hands as the waitress puts a glass of water in front of me i thank her and she makes her way to the group of teens are they dump out there order as she scribbles them on a piece of paper as she asks them "the usual".

I drink half my water and pull out my phone thats on silence to see messages from luke and sierra begging to know where i am.

I finsh my water and put my phone away looking around for a bathroom , i walk to the bathroom lock the door and look in the mirror.  I use my hands the comb through my hair. When im finish i unlock the door and walk straight into someone.
" how shit sorry" i look up into dark green eyes ... shit it's the guy with black hair from the table.

"You ok " he smiles "whats your name, im chase "

"Taylor " i blush looking down properly red as a tomato.

" if your not busy , do you wanna join my friends you look kinda lonely , are you knew around here"

We being to walk towards there table
" ya i just moved here a couple days ago"

Where stood in front the table and chase introduces me " guys this is taylor shes new around here "

They all smile and me and chase slid into the booth .

They all begin to introduce them selfs , the girl with brown wavy hairs name is grace and the blond boys name is ben his gf is aria.

Its been about an hour and iv got pretty close with them but not giving any personal details like im fostered or anything. But letting them know where i lived before and simple details like my fav foods.

Im going to be going to the same school as them but chase and grace are a year older than ben , aria and me, chase and grace are 18 but chase is about to be 19 in 2 weeks . But they are in my year in school.

I check my phone to see more worried texts from luke and sierra . I dunno why i keep checking. I never do that.

I hear aria across the table basically gasp at my phone i look up confused .
"Sis that a fucking rich ass phone , something your not telling us" shes smirking playing with her hair .

I laugh it off as i dont want them to think i have money,  i don't,  just my foster parents do.

"No my dad just bought it for me , think he felt guilty about my really bad old one" i mean i didnt really lie...

We move on with the conversation before i stand up everyone makes eye contact with me .
" i gotta go , i came out to buy a new vape and some cigs so im gonna get going"

"Wait let us come with i know a place not many places around here sell to teens" i didn't even bother denining it everyone was already standing up throwing cash on the table and yelling goodbye to the waitress called jackie ... iv learned that this diner is the groups 'spot' and that im now 'part the gang' as ben said he quiet the character he reminds of ashton in a way. I made friends it made me happy plus chase is cute and he keeps flirting with me , and touching me ... RESPECTFULLY tho . Like he put his hand around my shoulder when we where all talking it sent butterfly in my stomach.



2022  - Adopted by Luke hemmings and sierra deaton Where stories live. Discover now