The Mistake

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It was a chilly winter night me and my boyfriend Issac was cuddling watching a funny movie. Me and Issac has been dating for over two years now i'm 17. "Are you getting tired?" he asks me with a smirk "No Babe" I replied then he kissed me. I'm a virgin yup thats right I always felt the right time will come. The kiss turned into touching I looked Issac in the eyes and tell him i'm ready to lose my virginity I loved this boy I had a crush on him for years. Issac looks at me confused "Miyah are you sure?? i'm not forcing you" I nod my head "yes Issac I am" he got on top of me "I heard it hurts the first time" I said "I promise to go slow" he says. Issac takes off his pants and boxers then starts to draw down my shorts then my panties I stop him "wait! you do have protection right?!" I ask him Issac pats his pocket and takes out his wallet and pulled out a trojan condom "right here" he said. I lay on my back and Issac's on top of me he starts to slide in "ouch!" I yell "Oh my gosh i'm sorry babe if I go fast you'll just get the pain over with fast" he says i say okay and Issac rams in me.Issac seen the tears coming down my eyes and see blood from my torn hymen he looks at me in a "i'm really sorry for hurting you" way his eyes said it all I go to the bathroom to wash off the blood. Issac comes in to make sure i'm okay. We go back to the bed room and Issac comes on top of me again he slides in its not as bad as before actually it started to feel good. After we was close to the end Issac told me he comed and I can't believe that we had sex for the first time. I lost my virginity to the love of my life. After Issac threw away the condom and snuggled with me tight and we continued to watch to movie after the movie was done Issac told me he was leaving. He kissed me goodbye he had to go to work.

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