The Last Fun Doctors Appointment

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The weather is starting to get warmer that means I can't wear Issac's hoodies to cover my stomach because I'll just look like a weirdo. Well I am 5 months and 1 week and feel like I'm going to explode. And that means another doctors appointment. Good thing me nor Issac has work today as I grow things has start to become different between us I wonder if he feels the same way what happen if I become one of those teen moms who has to do everything on her own and I want my baby to have a dad. I wake up Issac to tell him its time to go to the doctor I kept know that silent cry that tears are coming but you make no noise? Yep one of those. Well after what felt like a 5 hour car ride we finally arrived to the doctor.

Dr.Joter: Hello Miya and Issac ready to check on your baby boy?

Me: More like ready for him to come out

(We All Laughed)

I wen on the hospital bed and mad Dr.Joter put on the cold jelly and spread it and then I heard my favorite song playing on the monitor my baby boy heart beat it always make me smile everytime I remember it just 2weeks and 3 months til he's finally born. Issac leaned over and kissed me "what was that for?" I asked "I love you" he said I didn't really understand but I smiled at that I got my Issac back...I hope.

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