Chapter Three

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"Hitakshi?!" The young man said with shock "Seto?" She looked as shocked as him, that is when Yugi said in confusion "wait you two know each other Sis?" The young girl turned to her Brother, a feeling of unease settled inside of her as she said "errmmm remember the boy that I told you about this morning" that is when Yugi's eyes widened as he started to remember, he couldn't believe it, Seto Kabia, the C.E.O of the Kabia Coperation was the boy who was best friend's with his sister years ago?! That is when Seto stared angrily at the pair in front of him, that is when he sneered "so this is where you have been hiding? In this dross of a building?" Hitaski glared angrily at Seto, how dare he speak in such a vulgar manner "Don't you dare insult me or my family Seto, just because you were adopted by a rich family doesn't mean your any better than me, don't forget where you came from!" she pointed to him, Hitakshi could feel the anger bubbling up inside her, Seto couldn't take it anymore and without anymore words he stormed out of the Game Shop slamming the door behind him.

As soon as Seto left the building Hitakshi couldn't help but feel tears filling her eyes, she excused herself to her family and Yugi's friend who were all staring at her with shock, as she ran to her bedroom tears fell down her face, she lied down on her stomach, pushing a pillow to her face as she sobbed her heart out, how could the little boy she once been best friend's with be so a cruel and vulgar person, what was it that changed him? For about half an hour she sobbed in her pillow before she nodded off, when she woke up she saw her Brother stroking her black hair "Yugi?" She mumbled his name, he smiled sweetly to her and said "Hey Sis, how are you feeling?" Yugi questioned her, Hitaski sat up in her bed, the sinking feeling of sadness hitting her heart "Upset, Annoyed, confused... I just don't understand what has happened to him, when we were kids he was such a lovely boy, but now I don't recognise him" she admitted to Yugi, he rubbed her back to calm her down "Sis, men like him are not nice, the power gets to their heads just because they run a multi million dollar company" Hitaski looked confused at her brother.

"Wait he owns an company?" she questioned, that is when Yugi looked confused "Yeah, he is Seto Kabia, the C.E.O of Kabia Coperation" Hitakshi's mind was blown, but in the back of her head she always knew he would be successful, he always the smartest out of the two, she sighed in defeat, no wander he didn't care about her "anyway enough about that baboon, why don't we spend the rest of the evening playing an game?" Yugi said cheerfully, Hitaski smiled at her brother, he always knew how to cheer her up when she was feeling low "as long as we don't play duel monsters then yes" Yugi pulled an sad face "Oh but that is my favourite game" he pretended to sulk "well it isn't mine, how about we play Jenga?" That is when Yugi agreed, Hitaski and Yugi came out of Hitaski bedroom and played with Grandpa for the remaining evening all of them had lots of fun together, she was happy she had such a lovley family.

The next morning Hitakshi layed in bed wide awake, she had not slept a wink as her heart felt heavy, still upset from the confration with her ex best friend, she was in no mood for school, she always a good girl and went to school but today she decided that she was going to pull a sickie, as she got up she groaned, she wore a kuriboh onesie her black hair was knotted with her turning her head too many times, she walked out of her bedroom and into the kitchen to see Grandpa making himself a coffee "Morning Hitakshi" he greeted her "Morning Grandpa" she muttered, he turned to see that she had bags under her eyes "I take it you didn't sleep well?" he questioned her as he made her a cup of coffee and handed it to her "didn't sleep well? I hardly slept, I am completely goosed, please can I stay home today? I cant function properly without my sleep" she pleaded with Grandpa doing her best puppy eyes, Grandpa couldn't help but melt with those puppy eyes "okay since you haven't slept well but don't make this a regular thing okay?" Hitakshi nodded in agreement "Oh I promise I wont" she said in agreement, as she drank her coffee Yugi walked in, all three of them had breakfast together before, Yugi went to school, Grandpa had started to open up the shop and Hitakshi went back to bed for an hour.

An hour later and Hitakshi was woken up to Grandpa gentle rocking her "Hitakshi sweetheart wake up" as she opened her eyes she was greeted with Grandpa's worried face "Grandpa what's the matter?" Before he could answer she saw three men all in black suits behind him "what the hell?" She said confused, just then the middle one said "My Master Seto Kabia challenges your grandfather to a duel, you will both come with us now" Hitakshi's anger soared within her "and what makes you think we will come willingly?" She questioned them, to which the middle one slyly said "I am afraid you don't have much of a choice" he said as his guards took a step closer, that is when Hitakshi knew she really didn't have much of a choice, she got out of bed, put her black converse shoes on and walked holding Grandpa's hand, Seto's guards hushed them out of the shop and into their black limousine, they wouldn't even let Grandpa close the shop before they were whisked away.

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