Chapter Thirteen

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When Hitakshi opened her eyes all she was darkness, she looked around to see nothing but the pitch black, she also felt the cold starting to seep into her bones making her shiver "where I'm I?" She questioned herself, all she could remember was seeing... The Millennium Eye! "Pegasus..." she muttered under her breath angrily, he must have bought her here, but where exactly was here? Without thinking she started to run, hoping to find anything "...Hello, anyone here?!" She screamed to the top of her lungs, sprinting for what felt like hours in an endless direction, her lungs started to burn and her breath started to become uneven, sweat dripped down her face, after for what felt like an eternity she stopped running and collapsed onto the floor, tears started to stream down her face as she realised in horror that she was alone in an unknown dark void, she sobbed as he positioned herself in child's pose, she sobbed as she realised that she would not see her Brother Yugi or the Kabia brothers again, her heart broke in that instant she loved all of them in her own way, she prayed that she would see their faces again.

Meanwhile in Pegasus's Castle:

"Pegasus you basard! What have you done to her?!" Seto angrily snarled as the women he loved collapsed in his arms, her beautiful red eyes dull and lifeless, Seto could tell that her soul was not there, his eyes started to prick with tears, he turned his head to Pegasus to had an trading card in his hand, on the card was Hitakshi's shocked face "she has been locked in an place where she can't pick the locks" this made Seto angry "you monster let her go" "if you beat me in a duel then I will set your love free" Pegasus said very calmly, he smirked seeing the pain in Seto's blue eyes, Seto then said hastily "Duel you now? Fine let's get it over with!" To which Pegasus chuckled slightly "don't get ahead of yourself Kabia-Boy, you have to prove you are worthy of dueling me, by dueling the one person who has ever beaten you, her beloved brother Yugi Muto" Seto and Mokauba both stared in shock at Pegasus's request, that is when Mokauba turned to his brother and said in an worried tone "big brother you can't do this" Seto then turned to his brother and said half angry at the decision and half devastated to "Mokauba what choice do we have?" To which Pegasus chuckled, amused by his reaction, even from here he could tell how much he loved this woman, in an way he had regretted sending Hitakshi to the shadow relm but in his mind he knew it was for the grater good, now someone finally gets an taste of how he has been feeling over the years.

Pegasus then said "then it is an deal, here why don't I take your beloved from your arms" Seto's grip on Hitakshi tightened as he held her body close to his, there would be no way that slimeball of an man would ever touch his love "over my dead body" he growled angrily to which Pegasus tutted before saying "it would look bad if Yugi was to see his beloved sister unconscious in your arms, I promise that I will take good care of her for you" Pegasus smirked at the situation, making Kabia-Boy pained was making him happy, Seto looked into Hitakshi's deadpan eyes and whispered an vow in her ear "I will bring you back my love, I promise" he said before giving Pegasus an dire look and saying "it seems that I dont have much choice at this moment in time, but mark me Pegasus if anything happens to her I will kill you" he said as he unwillingly handed Hitakshi's lifeless body to Pegasus, Pegasus graciously took the unconscious girl out of Seto's arms, Pegasus chuckled evily before saying to Seto "you better be off Kabia-Boy, Little-Yugi will be at the entrance of my castle in ten minutes" he said with an smirk, in that moment Seto grabbed his brothers hand with his free hand whilst angrily clutching onto his suitcase, then with the help of Pegasus's guards he was escorted out of the Castle and out onto the entrance of his castle.

Four minutes has passed and both Seto and Mokauba were patiently waiting, the silence was killing Mokauba so he said to his brother who looked as stone cold hearted as usual "brother are you okay?" Seto turned his face towards his brother, even his facial features were cold his eyes showed the pain "I will be okay when Hitakshi is safe" Mokauba knew that he had an connection with Hitakshi but until now he never knew how strong it was, which is why he questioned his big brother "you really do love her? Don't you big brother?" to which Seto nodded yes to him, tears started to fall from his face as he held onto the charm around his neck, he opened it to see the image of Mokauba, however when he flipped the image over he saw an image of Hitakshi and Seto together when they were children, in the image Hitakshi was sharing her first kiss with Seto her eyes were closed whilst his eyes were wide opened, he can still remember when this image was taken...

...The morning sun was starting to rise over the orphanage this summer morning, however one child was far from happy as his little brother had caught an bug and was in isolation so that the bug could not spread, he sat outside, sitting on the steps of the orphanage, worried as his brother was the only family he had, he had been so caught up in his worries that he had not realised he was not alone "Good morning Seto" Hitakshi's smiling face greeted him, however he was in no happy mood at the moment so he sulked angrily at her "what's so good about it?!" Her once sweet smile now faded as she looked concerned at the boy, she then sat next to Seto, taking both of his hands with her small ones, she then calmly questioned him "Seto my dear friend, what has happened?" to which he said with tears streaming down his face "my brother has caught that bug that has been going about and now he is in isolation, I am scared what will happen to him" Hitakshi moved one off her hands from his and placed them around his back, rubbing small circles, which made his tense muscles relax an bit, that is when she said "please don't worry about your brother, he is in the best place, I promise you" she then without any warning placed her lips on his, at first he was stunned but then his heart jumped for joy and he just melted into the kiss...

...Hitakshi was the only person to show him and his brother kindness, he knew he loved her then and his love for her was growing stronger, he will bring his love back, he lost Hitakshi once and he will not loose her again especially to an demented person as Pegasus! As he wiped his fallen tears Mokauba pointed down at the steps and said to Seto "look, they are coming up now!" Seto stared silently as he saw Yugi Muto and his friends coming closer, he hoped if Hitakshi was watching that she understood why he was doing this, after all he held no ill will against Yugi or their Grandpa anymore, as Yugi was in speaking distance Seto said in an threatening tone "I can't let you pass" to which Yugi said with annoyance "I have ten starchips, so-" '-you might have gained enough starchips to qualify, but I can't allow you to face Pegasus, I need to be the one who faces Pegasus and the only way I will do that if I beat you in an duel!"

Authors Note:

Hello readers, sorry for the delay in this book but I got writers block, also just been re watching the series for inspiration, down below I'd an visual representation of the photo that Seto holds in his necklace, anyway if you liked it comment and vote, hope to see you soon in the next chapter! ❤️

Hello readers, sorry for the delay in this book but I got writers block, also just been re watching the series for inspiration, down below I'd an visual representation of the photo that Seto holds in his necklace, anyway if you liked it comment an...

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