Chapter Six

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It had been a week since the ordeal with Seto Kabia in his company, Hitakshi was in an state of depression, she could not believe how he had turned out, that once sweet, loving, caring boy who she used to be so close to was gone, she did not recognise this new Seto, which broke her heart, she had not had an decent night sleep, always waking up from an nightmare of him, when she was awake she was always fearful incase he came after her again, which is why she never left the house, she knew she would fail in school but she didn't care, she knew she had to snap out of this depression but she didn't know how to, currently she was in her bedroom, sitting on an window ledge, watching the rain streak down the window, her long black hair was up in an ponytail, she wore no make up, which showed her pale skin off, her red crimson eyes were bloodshot, she had on an black shirt which was covered up by an black and red hoodie which had the 'Red Eyes Black Dragon' sketched into the hood and the front of the hoodie, she also wore black sweatpants and black ugg like slippers.

Just as she was about to nod off her bedroom door swung open, her brother came in and sat across from her, he was still in his school uniform as he had just recently finished school "Sis, tea is ready" to which she said in an defeated tone "I am not hungry" Yugi looked concerned at his sister, he knew that she was not herself, after the ordeal she never smiled or hugged him, she always cried at night time, it was starting to worry her "Sis please have something to eat, your starting to worry me" he admitted to her, she looked into her brother's eyes and felt guilt hit her, it was never her intention to upset her brother, she pulled him into an hug and said "I am sorry if I scare you, I just need to get my head sorted out, how about you and I do something tonight?" Hitakshi suggested with an smile to which Yugi said "oh I would love to but my friends are here tonight to watch the Gaming Tournament, can we do it tomorrow?" to which Hitakshi nodded yes to him "of course, go and hang with your friends, I will be fine" to which Yugi smiled before leaving.

Hitakshi felt an hint of jealousy as Yugi went to hang out with his friends, she and Yugi used to be so close when they were younger but ever since his friends came along she felt like he spend more time with them then her, even though she never mentioned to him as she didn't like arguments, she sighed with defeat as she changed her shoes from the comfy uggs to her black Doc Marten boots, she then grabbed her headphones and grabbed her phone, she decoded she didn't want to be in her room at this moment in time, she decided she was going to go for an walk, as she sneaked out of her room she saw Yugi, Grandpa, Tea, Joey and Tristan sat on the sofa glued to the TV, no one noticed when Hitakshi sneaked past them, she sighed as she closed and locked the door of the Gameshop, the rain started to ease off as she walked out into the dimly lit streets, she had no idea where she was walking to but she just wanted to be somewhere different.

She walked around for an about half hour, music blasted through her speakers, Hitakshi was enjoying the walk, for the first time this week she was not thinking about Seto or anything that had upset her, she was enjoying the walk, but unfortunately for her the walk was about to be cut short when she noticed that she was being followed she had looked over her shoulder to see two large men who were wearing all black following her, anxiety started to rise in her heart as she decided to run, she saw the men chasing after her, her heart raced with danger as she ran an alleyway, she was about to reach the end when she felt herself being pulled backwards, she was bout to scream when she felt an hand going over her mouth "don't scream or I will kill you" to which she squealed in horror, as she saw an knife pointed to her throat, that is the one holding her said to his friend "what do you think of this one?" to which his mate said with a wicked grin "spear the rod, spoil the child" both cackled with laughter as the one who hadn't hold of her was about to unbuckle his trousers when an angry voice growled to the man "let her go!"

All Three turned to see a man she did recognise, he was very tall with a bit of muscle on him, he had dark green hair, an pencil mustache, wearing an expensive suit, with pointed shoes "Beat it loser!" One of the men said angrily "I won't say it again you thugs let her go!" That's when the one who hadn't got hold of her said threatening "or else what punk?!" To which another man's voice came from behind Hitakshi and the thug "Or else you deal with me" the man stepped in front of them, to which she recognised immediately, she said his name in shock "Seto?" She felt the man who had hold of her start to shake with fear as Seto stepped in front of them, to which the man said "you want her? Here have her!" He said pushing Hitaski away form his arms, Hitakshi lost her balance and fell straight into Seto's arms who catched her and held her protectively, the two men in question ran past the both of them, that is even Seto said to the other man "Roland after them! make sure they pay for their crime!" To which he bowed before running after them, leaving Hitakshi alone with Seto.

"Are you alright Hitakshi?" he questioned her calmly to which she nodded yes to him "I am fine thanks to you" her comment made Seto slightly smile towards her, before any more words could be exchanged he picked her up bridal style, carrying her out of the alleyway, now that she was in arms she felt confused "how did you know where I was?" She questioned as they stepped out of the alleyway, she saw an black limousine at the end "I saw you walking on your own whilst I in my limousine, I told my driver to follow you" he said as he put Hitakshi down, both stood next to the limousine, he was about to open the door but she stopped him, she closed the distance between them and questioned him "what is going on on that head of yours Seto? One mintue you are being cold and harsh to me next you are being protective over me, who are you really?" guilt showed in his gorgeous blue eyes, his voice softened as he spoke "I am sorry about what happened last week, I never meant to hurt you or be cold to you, I have just missed you, even after all my successes I never forgot about you" he admitted, Hitakshi felt her heart soften at this words, that is when she admitted "it would be a lie to say I didn't think of you to" that's when both smiled at each other, in that moment she knew that the Seto she knew wasn't completely gone.

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