Chapter Nine

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It had been a few days since Grandpa's soul had been taken by Maxmillion Pegasus, Yugi and Hitakshi were distraught, how could something like this happen? why did it happen? Does it have something to do with her brother's Millennium item? Whatever the reason it made her feel gloomy, the only way Grandpa could get his soul back is if Yugi went to the tournament at duelist kingdom, which would mean she would have to stay behind, look after the shop whilst visiting Grandpa as a plus one was not allowed, the thought made her sad, loosing Grandpa's soul was one thing but being separated from her little brother was scary enough, he was such an innocent soul, kind and heart warming, she was scared that someone would take advantage off him, currently she was making tea, her black hair was in an messy ponytail, she wore an plain black sweatshirt with black leggings and her favourite comfy ugg slippers, just as she was dishing up tea Yugi had come in, back from school, both greeted each other, Yugi sniffed the air before saying "what are you cooking it smells good?" "Ramen Noodle Soup, I know it's not as good as Grandpa's..." Hitakshi couldn't hold her feelings back as tears streamed her eyes.

Within a few seconds Yugi pulled his sister into an hug, no one said anything to each other, they had spoken about what would happen, even Hitakshi was against leaving Yugi on his own she knew they didn't really have much of an choice, after a few mintues later they let go off each other, that is when Hitakshi apologised for her sudden outburst, to which Yugi said in an calm tone "don't be sorry Sis, it is hard for the both of us, we will get through this as a team okay?" to which she nodded yes to him "along as you believe, I will believe in you" Hitakshi said in acknowledgement, that is when both of them grabbed their luke warm soups and started to eat it in the sitting room, Hitakshi turned the TV on, the news report came up, it was going on about duelist kingdom and that jerk Pegasus, Hitakshi was about to turn it off but Yugi told her not too so he could get as much information about Pegasus as possible, the rest of the night they spend watching TV together.

24 hours later:

As Yugi and Hitakshi got out of the taxi, they saw that the night sky was pitch black with star twinkling above their heads, the wind was blew lightly tonight, they were at the docks, walking up to the massive ship, an few dozen duelist were queing to get on the ship, Hitakshi couldn't help but feel sad as this would be the first time they would be apart from each other, she hoped that Yugi would be okay and that he will prevail in defeating that jerk who took their Grandpa, just as Yugi and Hitakshi got in the queue they saw some guards dragging an blonde haired man away, Yugi and Hitakshi immediately knew who it was, as they both ran Hitakshi questioned him "Joey what the hell are you doing here?" to which Joey replied "did you really think I would let him do it on his own Hitakshi?..." To which she smiled before Joey said to Yugi "...come on help me out" that is when Yugi gave on of his Starchips to Joey, stating that the rules to the guards, after a quick phone call they agreed to have him in the tournament.

Yugi and Joey were last in line to board the ship, just before they came on board Yugi turned to Hitakshi, he could clearly see the tears in her eyes which were about to stream, for one last time they both embraced each other in an hug, whilst in the hug Yugi whispered to his sister "Take care Sis" to which she said back "you to Bro, make me proud! I love you" to which he replied back "I love you to" then they both let go off each other, she then shouted to Joey who was watching Yugi and Hitakshi, nearly in tears "Joey look after my Bro, if anything happens to him your dead meat!" To which Joey replied "Don't worry Hitakshi, I will take care of him" he said with an thumbs up, Hitakshi nodded as the ship got ready to steer, she watched as the ship left dock and in an matter of mintues vanished from Hitakshi's sight, now that everyone had gone and her Brother was not close by she felt more vulnerable than ever, she decided that the best thing to do right now was to get an taxi home as it was too late to visit Grandpa.

Meanwhile at Duelist Kingdom:

"Mr Pegasus, the duelist have boarded the ship, they should be arriving tomorrow morning" Croquet said to his Master, who was currently in his dining room, having his supper, which was Red Wine and Gorgonzola cheese, to which his Master, Maxmillion Pegasus questioned Croquet "Is Little Yugi on the ship to?" To which Croquet replied formally to him "yes sir" Pegasus couldn't help but chuckle, for his plan to get the Millennium puzzle was working accordingly, which reminded him "Croquet did you get me any information about Little Yugi's sister?" to which Croquet replied with an yes, he then pulled the projector screen down and put the projector on, on the screen showed the image of Hitakshi, she was standing with Yugi, both smiles on their faces, outside the school they go to, Pegasus immediately felt entranced by her jet black hair and those red fiery eyes, even though she was an chubby girl she definitely was an beautiful lady, that is when Croquet spoke "Hitakshi Muto and Yugi Muto are not blood related as Hitakshi was adopted by the Muto Family around eight years ago..." then the next slide showed Hitakshi's adoption papers "...but that's not all, the same adoption centre where Hitakshi came from is the exact adoption centre where Seto Kaiba came from..." Pegasus gasped in shock as the next image showed Hitakshi, Seto and Mokauba gathered around an table, playing chess, with smiley faces when they were younger in the orphanage " fact they were just caught on camera about an week ago together" the image that came up was of Seto and Hitakshi, Seto was kissing Hitakshi's head whilst she was blushing holding his hand, that is when Pegasus started to smirk evily "ooo, now this is interesting, Croquet bring Hitakshi Muto to me, she will be an amazing pawn to use, but who should I use her for? Her sweet devoting Brother Little-Yugi or her childhood sweetheart Kaiba-boy?" He questioned before menacingly laughing.

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