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Lizzie's pov:

It's the first day of 2022 and I'm excited for what the New Years holds for us.

I just got a phone call from my lawyer saying that marvel want Lilly to audition for a new role they have. I looked at the clock and saw it was ten am so Lilly should be awake, I went up to her room and knocked on the door.

"Lilly I have a question can I come in?"

I came in the room to see Lilly sat against the beds headboard so I sat in front of her.

"I just got a call, saying that marvel wants you to audition for a role they have they think you'll fit perfectly.....so what do you think?"
"I'll do it" she said without a doubt, honestly I'm glad she said yes I really wanted her to do it, but she's old enough to make decisions for her self and she will do only what she wants to
do and I will just give advice. I mean the girls 18 she is for sure old enough.

Time skip- the day of the audition
Lilly's pov:
I woke up today with excitement, a lot of it actually. Today was the day of the audition and I'm really nervous. I got dressed and went outside to the kitchen. I sat by the counter staring at mom while she was cooking something.
"Morning momma"
"Morning honey,you ready for the audition?"
"I think I am, I don't really know"
"I'm sure you'll do great don't worry too much about it"
I just nodded, she put a plate in front of me with pancakes and fruit . I wasn't really in the mood of eating today so I only ate half a pancake and some strawberries. "Okay honey it's time to leave!" I heard mom call from the front door."coming!" And we headed off.

Lizzie's pov:
We just made it to the audition, we sat down surrounded by a bunch of girls around Lilly's age one of them came up to Lilly "long time no see Lillian" Lilly started to bump her leg up and down "leave me alone Maddison" "what so you get pregnant at age fifteen and suddenly I'm the bitch you hoe" she told Lilly looking her straight in the eyes Lilly was now picking at the skin around her thumb, I noticed this is something she does when she's really really nervous, so I decided to step in "leave my daughter alone right this instant!" I have her my Scarlett witch expression, a producer came up to us "what's going on here ladies?" "This girl is bullying my daughter nick" I knew this producer fairly well "oh well we don't need a bully in our cast" he turned to her and continued "you may leave now" "Lillian rose Olsen it's your turn" she got up into the audition room quite shocked the girl looked furious and left. Soon after Lilly was still in the room when I heard them call Scarlett in, I took that as a good sign. After about ten minutes they called me in. "Hey Elizabeth we just wanted to tell you, your daughter got the role!" I looked at Lilly and gave a her a proud face and held her hand "thank you so much!" Scarlett was still in the room and she gave me a proud look all three of us headed outside "good job sweetie!" I told her and hugged her "good job Lilly! You did amazing and you really did deserve it"  "I'm so happy right now" she said hugging me "well I'm glad, by the way filming starts in three days and your role is announced to the public today!" "Ooo that's exciting" "mhm" scarlet replied.

Time skip- after the role was announced.
Me and Scarlett decided her and rose will have a sleepover with us today, I won't lie I'm catching some feelings for scar and it's very scary because she's my best friend.  Rose had just arrived when I heard sniffles coming from Lilly's room scar pushed me back and said "I'll go" she went upstairs.

Scarlett's pov:
I heard Lilly's sniffles and left rose with Liz, I'm catching feelings for Liz, I didn't know what to do so I just left rose and Lizzie to bond a little I went to Lilly's room and opened the door, I saw her sitting on the bathroom floor harming her self again, my heart shattered, today she was two months sober, I ran over to her "hey hey Lilly it's okay honey it's okay" "give me the blade honey" she handed it over I just sat there hugging her rubbing her back, "what happened sweet girl?" I asked calmly "I saw- I saw the post announcing my role and- and the comments were awful" she said in between sniffles "hey hey remember what I told you about mean comments" "let the haters hate"
"Yes that's right, they're just mean because they want what you have." "It's okay to breakdown sometimes I'm not mad it's part of the process of healing" "ty scar oh and I think mom likes you by the way don't tell her I said anything tho" I chuckled, I really hope she does. We got downstairs to see rose and Lizzie asleep cuddling each other, Lilly picked rose up to carry her to her bedroom and I carried Lizzie she was just so cute. I laid her under the covers and was about to leave to the guest room when I heard a small "can you stay?" Lizzie asked in a small voice, she seemed embarrassed "of course Liz" I got under the covers with her and cuddled her soon drifting off to sleep.
Hey guys!
I just wanted to tell all of you that I have another book-
Y/Nx Avengers
So if you're Interested you can go read it I'm uploading more on that book then this one!

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