2/ choke hold

22 1 0

September 10th
It was barely morning, the sun still hasn't come up and drunk groups from the streets could still be heard from the night before. Raven awoke suddenly, she was never normally up this early but whatever, she could still start the day. Her head was flooded with its nonsense inhabiters, Raven couldn't fully control her soulless body and had to constantly fight being fully consumed by whatever was inside her. She had become accustomed to it and wasn't really bothered anymore.

She moped out of her room but her train of thought was interrupted by a deep voice being unnecessarily loud,
"Hey I just can't do this anymore." It was coming from beast boys room so Raven closened to the door to listen in,
"Terra I've told you a million times it doesn't work with us OK? I can't keep wasting time on this." Raven heard a loud beep and footsteps coming closer to the door, she scrambled up and sprinted down the hall into the kitchen.

Beast Boy left his room still rubbing the sleep from his eyes when he noticed Raven in the kitchen,
"Hey Rae." He smiled as he approached her.
"Morning lover boy." Raven responded snarkily turning away from the burning kettle to face Beast Boy, she didn't realise but he was wearing only Pyjama trousers, no top, she certainly wasn't going to complain though. He looked taken aback by this comment as he walked onto the kitchens small platform.

"Hah I didn't realise you heard that." Beast boy said scratching his head,
"I thought we had ended ages ago but she kept coming back and acting like we were together. I mean I liked her I guess but she's done too much to me, well to all of us now, you feel me?"

Raven looked at him with bored eyes and a slight eyebrow raise,
"Right you didn't ask." Beast boy said chuckling. Raven opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted by the squeaking of the old kettle.

She opened the taller cupboard to try and reach the box of teabags but was unsuccessful,
"Don't worry I've got it." Beast boy said in a rush as he moved towards the cupboard, he reached over Raven and pulled down the tea box so she was in eye-line with his bare chest.

"I could have magicked it down you know." Raven said looking up as her eyes grazed across his prominent jawline and chizzled nose, she finished examining at his deep emerald eyes and refused to loose contact with them.
"Magicked isn't a word." Beast boy said matter of factly as he looked down at her, he expected a smart comeback but was instead given a rare look of vulnerability from Raven as she stared up at him.

They stayed pressed together looking up at one another and they each felt safe, it was peaceful as if it was only them for miles around. The sun had began to come up and it's rays of intense light were blasting right across Raven making her complexion paler and her eyes appear a shimmering violet, Beast boy was captivated.

They stayed there for more than a few seconds before Raven coughed slightly turning away and returned to her Tea,
"Thanks." She said smiling to herself, Beast Boy refused to stop starring as they continued conversation.

"What can I say, I'm chivalrous."

"Due to your limited brain function I'll assume you don't know the actual definition of that word." Raven said turning to face Beast boy who quickly stopped his intense stare.

"Uh rude."

"I intended it to be." Raven finished, she swiftly walked past Beast boy but not without noticing his grin as he watched her walk away.

Not even a few hours after Raven had woken up an alarm started blaring, the group rushed to meet and instead of a mission briefing they saw Robin wearing cycling shorts he clearly couldn't breath properly in, it really was a Sight for sore eyes.

"ITS TRAINING TIME." He shouted at them,

"Oh HELL NO." Cyborg responded,
"I am not doing this today Robin no way." I get the impression he  wasn't up for doing hours of cardio.

Don't go - Raven X BB TitansWhere stories live. Discover now