5/ Monsters and Controllers

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Beast Boy was quick, he jumped onto the nearby building and leaped across to the next, he climbed up a few stories and prepared to catch her, Raven was gaining velocity but as she fell into Beast Boy he grew, his mass absorbed the force and he held her gently. her eyes opened and closed showing her slight concussion. The X had marked itself cross her face and Beast Big looked at her in pity, he would have to rip it off.

"Ok Rae, second I take it off can you try and magic a box for it? They have minds of their own I don't really get it but I don't think my teeth can rip or stop... that." He looked over at the others who were surrounded by floating red ribbons. Raven nodded her head as she forced her eyes to open.
"Ok, 3.. 2." He ripped it off and although Raven was in extreme pain she managed to mutter a spell, enclosing the ribbon in a tight translucent box. It fought against the sides but was unsuccessful,
"Energetic cunt isn't it." Beast boy said questioningly as he stared at the box,
"Anyway come down and do mine so we can get the others." Raven nodded and they flew down to the small area where beast boys ribbon was fighting itself in an attempt to be free. Raven cast the spell but as they looked up it was too late, the others had all been tied up and X was running,
The two teammates looked at each other and quickly flew upwards to follow X.

He was quick and stealthy making sure to try and stay out of sight but unfortunately for him Beast Boys enhanced sight and smell was enough to keep him in radar.
"He's heading for the road with that 80's style cake shop." Beats Boy said to Raven, they should really learn the names of the streets instead of associating them with food shops. Raven formed her energy and blasted it across the road blocking Red X inside, he didn't stop though. Red X continued to run straight at the wall. Beast Boy realised something was wrong, unless this guy was about to self conflict a concussion there's another plan. He quickly formed into a snake and flung himself at Red X, he grabbed the rough bag X was carrying and bit him once again in the previously wounded elbow before jumping off. X screamed this time, he continued to run although it was more of a staggering jog; before the two could confront him a sudden red portal appeared and he was gone.

The two stood in awe and Raven was concerned, real concerned. Beast boy noticed the furrow in her brows and attempted to console her,
"You know we got his arm pretty good, it's probably better than prison seeing him in a sling." He laughed lightly but Raven remained quiet and turned away, she wanted to go.
"What." Beast boy had leant to touch her arm but Ravens response was hostile and he could hear the aggression in her heart beat. It was a sign to back off.
"Suit yourself, go mope around then." Raven was hardly shocked at his words, but it didn't stop her annoyance.
"I don't need your approval." She snapped, why did he think her being alone was such a horrible thing? Why did he always react so badly to it?
"It's not about my 'approval' it's about you doing something for once instead of sulking around being creepy!" Ravens eyes burned red as she swept around to face him, he should know, actually he already does know about what she does every day to keep herself and others alive. She had told him, only him, about it.
"And what do you suppose I do instead of 'sulking around'." Raven zoomed forwards and levitated herself to be above beast boy, her demonic limbs escaped her cloak leaving 4 massive entangled legs below and 4 thick arms of energy around he figure. The hood of her cloak fell off and it opened up revealing her body which was emitting dark purple energy in an outline of herself. The excess of energy was making Beast Boy nervous, he could feel her rage but still, he transformed into a bigger, larger beast than normal. He towered over Raven but this didn't mean for one moment that he could meet her strength.

The other Titans had just managed to escape the ribbons but they were still running away when they noticed and absence in Raven and Beast Boy, Cy had seen them chase X but they should have been back.

"Control your fucking emotions!" Beast Boy bellowed at Raven spitting slightly in her face. 'Now that is rich coming from someone who just had a fit because I didn't talk nicely to them' thought Raven.
"Why are my emotions so damn important to you, huh" beast boy stayed quiet,
"I HAVE to stop my emotions."
"I KNOW THAT." Beast boy responded dramatically,
"It doesn't mean you can sulk about it and do nothing." In case you couldn't tell, he would regret saying that.

upon hearing this Raven rose her arm enclosing them around the massive beasts neck, he didn't transform back so Raven looked straight into his eyes,
"I'll show you doing nothing!" Beast boy didn't actually think Raven would do anything, he wasn't prepared for a physical altercation and he didn't want to hit Raven, he never wanted to have to do that. Ravens arms picked Beast Boy up and flew into the sky above the clouds, the air was thinning and  while he was starting to gasp for air Raven brought his head closer so he could hear,
"Pathetic Human."
Wit that, Beast boy was flung back down towards the earth landing in the middle of the water by the tower, he wasn't too damaged by the end although he knew something was wrong.

Raven lowered herself to the city's level again and collapsed onto her knees, she didn't understand what she did, she didn't even realise what she was doing until her hands were around his neck while they were flying up. And why didn't Beast boy fight? He always fights back? He should have hit her that might have stopped what she did, but actually... no. He was rude, He was insensitive, He was disrespectful. Beast Boy deserved that. He should have know what would happen if he tested her. Then again... she didn't do that, her body did, her demons did.

Raven returned to the other three and quickly stored their ribbons, they all had the same dark subtle glow and Raven knew it was bad, and she had a small suspicion who was behind it.

A/N i know this is kinda short but I like split the last chapelet because 3000 words is a bit mad yk.

Anywayyyy the next will be longer I hope

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