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Jughead POV:

I was hanging at my best friend Archie's place playing video games. When I heard a motorcycle passing by. I looked out the window and saw a person with blonde hair passing by on a motorcycle. I immediately wanted to know who it was. All of a sudden I heard screaming coming from the video game. Archie had killed me when I wasn't looking.

"That's what you get for not paying attention bro." Archie laughed.

I knocked him over and we messed around. We were laughing so hard.

"Archie. Did you hear that motorcycle pass by a little bit ago?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I did. Why?" He asked me.

"Well, while I was looking out the window I saw a person with long blonde hair. You think it was a girl?" I inquired.

"Maybe. Unless it was some dude who wanted to grow their hair out." Archie laughed at me.

"You're no help bro." I said and playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"What was this person wearing?" He asked me.

"They went by pretty fast. All I saw was a black leather jacket and a black helmet. The helmet covered the person's face." I answered him honestly.

"You think it was a Serpent?" He asked.

"Doubt it. Serpents never come to this side of town. Unless their selling drugs to us Northsiders. But, what if they're not all bad? What if they're just misunderstood?" I asked Archie.

"What are you talking about Jug? The Serpents are dangerous drug dealers. Everyone knows that man." He reprimanded me.

"Whatever Archie." I said and restarted the video game.

"You're going down Andrews." I told him.

"In your dreams Jones." He laughed.

But in the back of my mind, that person was still there. I wondered who they were. And what they were doing on that motorcycle.

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