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A few days later Betty was released from the hospital with Forsythe. So, naturally, after getting the news, Jughead drove as quickly as he could so he could help Betty bring Forsythe home. On the way, he stopped to get a baby car seat.

Third Person POV:

"Hey, Betty. How're you feeling?" Jughead asked her.

"Great. Can you hold Forsythe while I quick change? You did bring me some clothes right?" Betty asked him.

"Of course I did. What kind of husband would I be if I hadn't?" Jughead laughed.

Betty laughed along and went into her bathroom to change.

"Hey, buddy. It's daddy. Don't you worry. I'll always be here for you. No matter what. I love you, buddy. " Jughead said to Forsythe as he rubbed his nose against Forsythe's.

Betty stood in the doorway watching Jughead be with Forsythe. He was such a good dad. It amazed her every day how great he is with the kids.

Jughead blew some raspberries on Forsythe's belly, getting him giggling. Betty started giggling as well which made Jughead look up at her.

"What's so funny Betts?" Jughead asked.

"Nothing. Forsythe just has an adorable laugh. And it amazes me every day how good you are with the kids. You're an amazing dad." She told him.

"You really think so?" He asked.

"Of course I do. You've done an amazing job of raising Anna. And you're going to be an amazing dad for Forsythe." She told him.

He smiled gently after handing Betty Forsythe so she could get him ready to go home. Then he looked down at his knees.

"Jug. What's wrong?" Betty asked.

"Nothing." Jughead said, still looking gloomily at his knees.

"Jug. I can tell something's wrong. Talk to me. What is it?" She pressed.

Jughead took a deep breath, and said, "I guess I just wish my dad were here. He would have loved to know that we passed on the family name, he would've loved you, and he would've loved Anna. He would be offering to take Anna as much as possible so you and I could have date nights."

"I'm sorry Jug. I know no amount of apologies can bring him back, but, he's watching over you every day, and he would be proud of the man you've become. He would be proud of you becoming a father and the Serpent King. You know that right?" Betty explained.

"Thanks Betty." Jughead said.

"That's what I'm here for Juggie." She said as she gave him a squeeze.

"But, can you help me get Forsythe ready? Is the car seat set up in the car? Is there room in the trunk for Anna's stuff for when we pick her up from Cheryl and Toni's?" Betty started to panic.

Jughead took her hands in his. "Betts. Look at me. Take a deep breath. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Keep doing that. That's it. You're doing great. Come here." He said as he pulled Betty into his arms. Betty put her ear against his chest and listened to his heartbeat. Slowly she began to calm down and pulled away from Jughead's embrace.

"Thank you Jug." She said.

"That's what I'm here for Betts. I'm here whenever you need me." He told her. "And yes, everything is ready Betty." He said.

Betty took a deep breath.

"Good. Now I just need to sign the discharge papers and we're free to head home." Betty said.

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