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Betty's POV:

"Toni! Can you come up to my office please?" I shouted.

She came running up the stairs.

"What is it, Betty?" She asked me.

"I just saw you with Jughead. What happened?" I asked.

"He wanted to surprise you by visiting you here. But you were busy and had asked to not be disturbed. I told him what we found out about his dad. I also really think he should become a Serpent. Or at the very least, a recruit. Being a Serpent is in his blood. Remember the third law?" She asked me.

"If a Serpent is killed or imprisoned their family will be taken care of," I said.

"Exactly." She said.

"It's just that... The initiation is so much more dangerous for male recruits. The gauntlet alone is dangerous. And our world is dangerous." I said.

"Maybe he doesn't have to go through the initiation," Toni said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You could always make him the Serpent King." She said.

"Do you think that he would be ready for that responsibility?" I asked.

"I do. I see the way you two look at each other. All I'm saying is... I think you should at least give him a chance." She said.

"That makes sense. Thanks, Toni." I told her.

"Anytime Betty. Also, I promised him that I'd tell you that you'd give him a call when you were ready." She told me.

"I will. Now, don't you have a job to do down in the bar?" I joked.

Luckily she laughed too.

As soon as she left my office I called Jughead to tell him I was coming over because I had something to ask him. He said that he was excited to have me over and that he wanted to ask me something too. I told him that I loved him. He said he loved me too and we hung up.

No sooner had I hung up than I was running down the stairs of my office and on my motorcycle heading over to Jughead's place. Luckily I had put Toni in charge while I was gone. I knew she would take that job seriously.

I got to Jughead's place as fast as I could while following the speed limit.

I knocked on the door and backed up.

Jughead smiled when he saw me and beckoned me to come in.

I kissed him on my way in.

"So you said you wanted to ask me something?" He asked me.

"Yeah. I don't know how you're going to feel about this, and you don't have to answer right away, but I thought I should ask. Well, after Toni suggested that I ask you this." I said.

"What's going on Betts?" He asked me.

"I was wondering... How would you feel if... I asked you... To become the new Serpent King by my side?" I asked.


Jughead's POV:

Her words had me shocked. Had she really just asked me to be the Serpent King? I didn't know what to say.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really." She said to me.

"Do you really think I can do this?" I asked her.

"I do. Being a Serpent is in your blood. And the Serpents' third law says that, if a Serpent is killed or imprisoned their family will be taken care of. I really want this for you Juggie. So... What do you think? Since I'm the Serpent Queen, how would you feel being my king?" She asked me.

"I... I don't know. I've heard that being a Serpent is dangerous." I said.

"It can be. But if any danger comes your way, you wouldn't be fighting alone. You would have all the Serpents fighting with you. The Serpents are a family first and foremost Jug." She explained.

"Well, since you put it that way, I'd be honored to be your King Betty," I said to her with a big smile on my face.

"Really? This is a big responsibility." She said.

"I don't care. I'll have you there to teach and guide me won't I?" I asked.

"That's fair Juggie." She giggled.

"You know I'm right." I laughed.

"Now. You said that you had something to ask me as well Jughead. What is it?" She asked me.

"I don't want you to think I'm rushing into things, but I was wondering how would you feel about moving in with me?" I asked. I had a feeling that she would say no because the Southside is her home and she may not want to give that up.

"I... Uhh... I don't know what to say Juggie." She said. She was clearly apprehensive about this.

"We don't have to live on the Northside of town. We can live on the Southside if you want. Anywhere you want to live. Anywhere you are is where I want to be Betty." I said.

"Really?" She said. She was smiling and tears were beginning to form in her eyes.

"Really. I love you, Betty." I said.

"I love you too Jug!" She said.

She locked her lips on mine in a passionate kiss.

"So... Is that a yes?" I asked.

"YES! I'll move in with you Juggie!" She exclaimed. She had tears of joy running down her face.

I laughed and lifted her onto my waist. I pressed my lips onto hers. We pushed against one another.

I carried her up the stairs to my room.

*smut warning*

I pulled my shirt off while she pulled hers off at the same time. We were laughing like crazy. Like two young people in love. She tugged at my belt signaling that she wanted it. I asked her to make sure and she said that she was ready. So I pulled off my belt followed by my pants. She took off her pants too. She was in matching lingerie. I sucked on her neck. I felt her breath hitch each time I did. When I sucked on her collar bone I heard her groaning with pleasure. She nibbled on my ears. I felt my breath hitch and heard myself groan with the pleasure of how good her lips felt on my ear. I had no idea I had this weakness. I had never felt this way towards anyone before. But I knew that with Betty this was real.

She tugged at my boxers so I pulled them off. While our lips were on one another's Betty undid the clasp of her bra and pulled her arms out of her straps. She tossed her bra on the floor of my room. She then pulled off her underwear. It was just us completely nude having an incredible time. She was wild. She was fierce. I knew that this was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Eventually, we were both lying beneath the sheets with only the tops of our chests showing. We were both sweaty and out of breath.

"That *gasping for air* That was incredible Jug," Betty said.

"I *gasping for air* agree. That was amazing." I told her. I looked at the time on my phone and realized that it was getting late.

"We should probably get some sleep, Betty. It's getting late." I suggested.

"I don't have anything to wear to bed." She said.

"You can wear something of mine," I said.

I found her one of my T-shirts and shorts to wear for the night. She put them on. The T-shirt was big on her but she looked incredible in my shirt and shorts. Yep. This is definitely the woman I want to marry. We were both yawning at that point so we crawled into bed. Betty fell asleep instantly. I stayed up for a minute just admiring how adorable and peaceful she looked while she was asleep. I love her so much. I stroked a strand of her blonde hair out of her face and fell asleep beside her.

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