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1 week into Anna's grounding.

Anna is still going to school of course. She sees a lot of her friends and she's grateful that she at least gets to see them at school while she's grounded. She can also interact with them without her parents finding out. Sometimes she and Chloe would sneak into classrooms while teachers were in the lounge to make out. Chloe was officially out as a lesbian, but Anna was still afraid to come out of the closet. She still didn't know if she is bisexual or a lesbian. But she's grateful to have Chloe in her life and loves her with all her heart.

After Anna's grounding is up she has a strict conversation with her parents about how she needs to ask permission before going somewhere on her own. Anna agreed and then asked if she could go to a party that Chloe was hosting. Betty and Jughead were unaware of their daughter's romantic interest in Chloe or vice versa, since they knew Chloe's parents and knew there wouldn't be any illegal substances, they agreed to let Anna go. As long as she promised to stay out of trouble and to keep her phone on in case of an emergency. Anna obviously agreed to this arrangement.

Anna proceeded to pick out her party outfit, she realized that she didn't have anything that showed any of her cleavage between her breasts. But she remembered that she and her mom were the same sizes around the torso and waist.

"Hey, mom." Anna said after seeing that she was in her room working.

"Hi, honey, what's up?" Betty asked her.

"Well, I want to wear something that is slightly revealing in my chest area, nothing super revealing of course, but I really want to make a statement at the party." Anna explained.

Betty pondered this for a moment.

"I think I have just the thing for you." Betty told her.

"Really mom?" Anna asked.

"Yeah. Give me a minute to look... Ah. Here it is. I wore this for our homecoming dance my sophomore year in high school. I went to the dance with your father you know. Let me see how this looks on you. Go ahead and try it on." Betty told her.

Anna did and realized that it was perfect, aside from the fact that it was a little too long for her. But Betty was ready to hem it so that it would be shorter. So she did.

Anna looked amazing in her mom's old dress. Her mom even curled her long blonde hair.

Anna wore a pair of heels to go with it. Of course, she had her phone on and in her handbag.

"Jug. Look at our little girl. She looks so grown up." Betty gushed. "It seems like only yesterday we brought her home from the hospital as a little baby."

"Betty, she's not a baby anymore. Let her go to the party already." Jughead said warmly to Betty.

"Okay, Anna. Do you want me or your dad to drop you off?" Betty asked.

"If it's okay mom, can dad take me? You don't seem to be in the safest state of mind for driving right now mom." Anna explained.

"Okay, honey. Have fun sweetheart." Betty said.

"Mom. Don't call me sweetheart anymore." Anna laughed.

And with that, Anna and Jughead were out the door and heading to Thornhill.

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