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Seven months later

Third-person pov

Betty is with Jughead at the hospital while Anna is staying with Toni and Cheryl.

"That's it, baby, you can do it." Jughead encouraged Betty. The baby was coming and they were both really nervous. Then Betty started getting really pale.

"Jug..." Betty tried to say.

"Betty!" Jughead shouted. He called for a doctor and one rushed to the room.

"What's happening Mr. Jones?" The doctor asked.

"Betty's really pale. She can hardly speak." Jughead said between sobs.

"Okay. I'm going to put her on an IV and hopefully that will be enough to save her. If not... Well, Mr. Jones, if the IV doesn't help your wife, you better get ready to say goodbye. Just in case she doesn't make it." The doctor explained.

"NO! No no no no no. Oh no. The IV has to be enough. Betty has to make it. What about the baby?" Jughead asked.

"The baby's fine. It's crowning now. See?" The doctor said. Jughead looked and saw that the doctor was right.

"Thank goodness the baby's alright." Jughead sighed.

The doctor ran out of the room to get the right IV. Betty was losing fluids. Jughead called Toni and told her to bring Anna to the hospital. Just in case they had to say goodbye to Betty. Toni asked him why so he explained what was going on. Toni agreed and rushed to get Anna to the hospital as fast as she could.

The doctor rushed back in and inserted the IV into Betty's upper arm.

"Mrs. Jones, I know you're weak, but I'm going to need you to push." The doctor said.

Betty tried as hard as she could to do as she was told. But she couldn't. The doctor had to perform an emergency c-section on Betty to get the baby all the way out.

Betty could hardly breathe. While the doctors had the baby Jughead stayed by Betty's side.

He sobbed. Begging Betty to stay with him and the family. When the doctor came back with the baby, he put it into Jughead's arms while he put Betty on life support. Anna has a baby brother now who is healthy. But Jughead was still very worried about Betty. He didn't want to lose his wife. He knew that Anna wouldn't want to lose her mother. He went into the lobby after putting the boy into Betty's arms to get Toni and Anna into Betty's room.

"I want to be with mommy." Anna cried.

"I know baby. But mommy is really weak right now. You see that thing on her face? That's helping her to live. She's having a hard time breathing on her own. The doctor put that thing in her arm to help her. But I thought that you should be here, just in case... (Jughead sniffled) just in case we have to say goodbye to your mother." Jughead sobbed.

"I don't want to say goodbye to mommy." Anna argued.

"I know baby. I know. I don't want to say goodbye to your mom either." Jughead sobbed.

"But... (ahem)... Do you want to meet your baby brother?" Jughead asked Anna.

"Yes daddy." Anna said.

"Betty, I'm just going to take the baby. You just rest." Jughead said as he took the baby boy out of Betty's arms.

"This is him Anna. What do you think?" Jughead asked Anna.

"He's so cute. He's so small daddy." Anna said.

"I know. That's because he's only a baby. He'll get bigger eventually." Jughead said.

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